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Faculty in Residence

Faculty in residence give students who live in the residence halls increased access and interaction with faculty members. Faculty who have served as a faculty in residence find they understand their students’ lives better than before.

Faculty in Residence (FIRs) are AV faculty who teach across a variety of disciplines and have applied, interviewed and chosen to live in the residence halls. We believe FIRs help AV students transition to life at college by providing a mentoring role in our communities who can hopefully help students feel more comfortable approaching their own course faculty.

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Want more information? If you have any questions regarding this program, please call the Housing Office at 970-351-2721.

Meet the Faculty in Residence

Hi! Welcome to Wiebking Hall!

My name is Jackie Davis and I am the Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) living in Wiebking Hall. I live on the ground floor with my sweet, 14.5 year old mini dachshund, Daisy. In addition to being your FIR, I am a Special Education faculty member here at AV. My academic office is located on the garden level in McKee Hall. Before moving to Colorado, I spent many years in the classroom teaching in early childhood and elementary classrooms in a small, rural, North Florida town on the Suwannee River. I received my Ph.D. from Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida (Go Seminoles!). When I am not working, I like to cook, read, watch sports, listen to music and play video games on my phone. I am also learning to enjoy the many adventurous activities Colorado provides. I have been hiking, snowshoeing and indoor rock climbing! 

As your Faculty-in-Residence, I will be living, working and relaxing with you in Wiebking Hall. I will be helping organize activities, both social and academic. I am here to support you in any way I can. I look forward to getting to know you and providing activities that meet your needs. Please feel free to share with me any programs that would be of interest to you.

If you see me (and Daisy) around Wiebking Hall or anywhere around campus, please be sure to say hello. Here’s to a great year at AV and Wiebking Hall!


Jackie M. Davis
Faculty-in-Residence, Wiebking Hall
Office Phone:  970-351-2359
Pronouns:  She, her, hers

Jackie Davis


Welcome to the President’s Row! My name is Dr. Anton Dzhamay (my last name pronounced closer to Jamai but you can simply address me as Anton) and I am your Faculty-in-Residence. I live in Luján Hall (feel free to knock the door of Apt. 78 on the first floor) and you can sometimes find me working in the Bond Hall lounge. I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know you. I am available to support you with academic advising, answer other questions about the university or help you with your math homework. I have been at the School of Mathematical Sciences since 2005 (my office there is 2250A Ross Hall), and have taught pretty much every math course we offer. In addition, I plan to organize some social events, such as game night, and maybe occasional trips. Let me know if there is anything you may be particularly interested in. My email is anton.dzhamay@unco.edu.

I grew up in Moscow, Russia, and I moved to the U.S. in 1993 to start a Ph.D. program in Mathematics at Columbia University. Prior to coming to Colorado I was an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and a Visiting Professor at Columbia University. My research in Mathematics is in the field of nonlinear dynamical systems, and I am fortunate to have many close colleagues and friends all over the world. I worked and taught at places such as Columbia University, The University of Sydney in Australia, Cambridge University in the UK, Higher School for Economics and Skoltech in Moscow, Russia, Shanghai University in China, the University of Tokyo in Japan and many others. 

I very much enjoy traveling, hiking, various mathematical and non-mathematical board games and puzzles and conversations about music, film, literature and the like. Feel free to sometimes join me for a cup of coffee and a talk. 

Also, please be on the lookout of the School of Mathematical Sciences Celebration of Mind festival that usually happens in late October (it will be Thursday, October 21 this year). It is fun event with a lot of games, puzzles and a major show. Stop by!


Anton Dzhamay

Welcome to Bear Community!

Hello, I am Jun Park, and I am a Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) and teach economics at AV. Since I started working on campus in 2018, it has been a blast. I absolutely love spending time with my students and residents. My hobbies are watching movies and working out at the Recreation Center. Every semester I provide FIR programming such as “Let’s Make New Friends,” “Book Club,” “Game Night,” etc. I would like to encourage you attend those programs and other university events during the academic year.

I look forward to meeting you in person and getting to know you better! :)

Go Bears!

Jun Park

Jun Park

I am excited to meet all of you as the semester unfolds. I am your Faculty-in-Residence, FIR for short, at Presidents Row. For those of you who aren't sure what that means, I am a full-time faculty member who lives in the residence halls. I am a senior lecturer in the Anthropology Department who also teaches for the Life of the Mind Program. I am passionate about my discipline, teaching and students. I opted to join the FIR program in 2014. I spent the first two years living in Harrison Hall before I moved over here to Presidents Row. As an FIR I am here to help coordinate some events to spend time getting to know you all. I look forward to hosting times to hang out and chat. I hope to be an additional resource for your life on campus. I think the connections we make with faculty during our collegiate experience play a big role in our success and experience. So feel free to reach out and let me know if you would like to meet up for tea, take a walk or have dinner together in the dining hall. 

Look for announcements about opportunities for you to join in activities throughout the semester. I look forward to being able to get out and share some of my favorite things about Greeley and the wonderful downtown community by going to different restaurants, taking a city bus tour and watching art flicks at the Kress Cinema & Lounge. Watch for things like pumpkin painting, or craft nights and game nights. Watch for texts and emails!

As an alumna from AV (my BA is from here in History), I have always admired the Presidents Row space and am delighted I call this home. I am sure you will see my son and I in the dining hall from time to time, so please come and introduce yourself. I am excited to get to know you. 

My office is in Candelaria 2233, and if you find yourself over that way, you are always welcome to swing by and say hello. 

See you soon, I hope. 


Trish Jolly

Hello, students!

Welcome to South Hall! My name is Dr. Jenni Harding and I am your Faculty-in-Residence. This means I live with you in South Hall, and I’m available to support you through academic advising and sponsor programs aiming to help you become successful AV students. Be on the lookout for my programs: Time Management, How to Pass Your Midterm Exam and the All-Campus Scavenger Hunt.

I am a professor in the School of Teacher Education and have been at AV for 18 years. I am a former elementary school teacher and instructional technology specialist. I have been awarded the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences Outstanding AdvisorAward in 2008 and 2012 and the Excellence in Teaching, Arno H. Luker Award in 2021.

I look forward to meeting you and supporting you! You are welcome to schedule an appointment to meet with me on the first floor of South Hall through my email: Jenni.Harding@unco.edu.

:) Dr. Harding

Jenni Harding

Dear LAwrenson: 

LA, aka Dr. Lin Allen, welcomes you to AV!  As your Faculty-in-Residence (FIR), I invite you to check out the special S c h O L A R   S Y S T E M Programs I am designing to help you successfully navigate our UNIVERSE-CITY. 

I am a professor in the School of Communication, Candelaria Hall, where my latest venture is team-teaching scientific communication with biology Professor Scott Franklin. I also teach a persuasion course based on Star Trek episodes and courses in courtroom communication. My persuasion course features “Spock trials,” and my courtroom courses feature mock trials. I led a study-abroad course in Athens, Greece, several summers ago, the birthplace of communication studies. I also designed and taught a course in heroes and public memory at UNLV, where I was a visiting professor before joining AV’s faculty. 

My interest in studying heroes and legacy began when I was 6 years old and continued in high school, where I participated in debate and drama. A highlight was playing the role of a mother of a soldier missing in action in The Death and Life of Larry Benson, as well as performing dramatic readings of Luigi Pirandello’s War.

Research travel destinations include Singapore, where I present analyses of various Supreme Court cases with controversies ranging from wedding cakes to wielding a hovercraft in national parks to winning trademarks for rock bands. Singapore’s symbol is the Merlion, and I like to view this part-mermaid, part-lion vessel as displaying various aspects of our persona — playful, mysterious, strong. And I love to swim, so this mythic creature catalyzes my creativity! 

Athena, my feline, and I are excited about welcoming you to our new campus home on the top floor of Lawrenson, where the view should inspire anew Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s observation, “We all have the stars but they are not the same things for different people.” 

What are the stars for you?


Dr. Lin Allen
LAwrenson FIR

Lin Allen