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Professional Administrative Staff

Information for Professional Administrative Staff

Administrative/Professional Staff is defined as all non-classified employees who are not faculty. The University of Northern Colorado is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity/Title IX employer that is committed to a culturally diverse staff, faculty, and student body.

Getting Started

  • Post Offer Ergonomic Screening Policy

    University of Northern Colorado requires Post offer medical screenings for prospective employees of high risk occupational groups. Screenings are non-discriminatory evaluations designed to give documented information about a prospective employee鈥檚 physical ability to complete essential functions of the job. Conditional job offers are extended to individuals and hired upon evaluation results of Post Offer Screening.

  • Employment Eligibility Verification

    The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) sought to control illegal migration by eliminating employment opportunity as a key incentive for unauthorized persons to come to the U.S. IRCA makes all U.S. employers responsible for verifying through a specific process the identity and work authorization or eligibility of all individuals, whether U.S. citizens or not, hired after November 6, 1986. To implement this, employers are required to complete Employment Eligibility Verification Forms I-9 for all employees. An employer鈥檚 obligation to review documents is not triggered until a person has been hired, whereupon the new employee is entitled to submit a document or combination of documents of his choice (from List A or a combination of a List B and List C document on the reverse side of the I-9 form) to verify his identity and work eligibility. Hired is defined as actual commencement of employment of an employee for wages or other remuneration. The employee must complete Section 1 of the I-9 Form by the date of hire (i.e. no later than the date on which employment services start). Employees must present original documents. Employers must complete Section 2 by examining evidence of identity and employment eligibility within three (3) business days of the date employment begins. If employees are authorized to work, but are unable to present the required document(s) within three business days, they must present a receipt for the application of the document(s) within business days and the actual document(s) within ninety (90) days. However, if employers hire individuals for duration of less than three business days, Section 2 must be completed at the time employment begins.

  • Drug and Alcohol Policy

    The University strives to create a healthy environment, one in which the high risk use of alcohol and the use of illicit drugs does not interfere with learning, performance, or development. The University prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, and other controlled substances by all members of the University community (students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests). Individuals who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline, termination, dismissal, debarment, arrest, or citation as applicable. Additionally, employees or students who violate this policy may be required to participate satisfactorily in drug abuse education, counseling, or rehabilitation programs approved by the University. Further detailed information regarding the Drug and Alcohol Policy can be found in the Board Policy Manual, section 1-1-407.

  • Safety

    Employees are required to perform their duties and responsibilities in accordance with generally accepted safety standards as well as any specific safety standards applicable to their positions. it is the obligation of each employee to notify his/her supervisor of any unsafe condition in University premises, or practices of the University or any of its employees which she/he observes or becomes aware of that may affect his/her safety of any other person.

  • Work Behavior

    Employees are required to perform their duties and responsibilities in accordance with generally accepted safety standards as well as any specific safety standards applicable to their positions. it is the obligation of each employee to notify his/her supervisor of any unsafe condition in University premises, or practices of the University or any of its employees which she/he observes or becomes aware of that may affect his/her safety of any other person.

  • Conduct

    As a representative of the state, you are required at all times to use your best efforts to perform assigned tasks promptly and efficiently and to be courteous and impartial in dealing with those we serve. Courtesy, tact, and helpfulness on your part will do much to create the positive image state employees deserve.

    Employees should maintain the public's confidence in the integrity of state government by refusing outside compensation for performing your duties; and protect and conserve state property and use taxpayer dollars prudently. No state time, property, equipment, or supplies shall be used for private purposes or any other purpose not in the interests of the State of Colorado or the University of Northern Colorado.

    You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, just as it is expected you will treat others the same way. It is to our benefit to employ a diverse workforce to assist in providing effective customer service and to strive to be a leading student-centered university that promotes effective teaching, lifelong learning, the advancement of knowledge, research and a commitment to service.

  • Compensation Manual

    In making compensation decisions, a hiring authority must consider budgetary factors, recruitment and retention issues, salaries received by other similarly situated employees, an employee鈥檚 skill sets and competencies, other potential future increases, and the overall value to the organization.  Pay ranges for state classified employees are established through the annual statewide compensation plan, which makes adjustments to the minimum and maximum allowable salaries for each grade.  An employee鈥檚 base pay shall not be lower than the minimum, or higher than the maximum of his/her particular grade, except as otherwise permitted by law, rule or procedure.  Pay ranges for exempt and faculty employees are established using College and University Personnel Administrators (CUPA) surveys for a comparative group of colleges and universities.  Compensation decisions outside of the parameters of this document are permitted only if approved by the President of the University.

    Base pay established for classified new hires (both permanent and temporary) and adjustments for the upward, lateral or downward movement of existing permanent employees must adhere to Chapter 3 of the State Personnel Rules.  Base pay established for faculty and exempt new hires must adhere to the board polices and regulations.

    All decisions affecting base pay should ensure the following:

    Pay is commensurate with the duties assigned;
    Adequate funds are available within existing appropriations;
    Equity is preserved among employees with similar job descriptions within divisions and across the University;
    Ongoing consistency; and
    Acknowledgment of individual qualifications (e.g. past experience, training, special skills).
    Throughout this document, the source of the employment practice for each employee type is referenced. Below you can find the definitions used:

    State Personnel Rules-
    Board Policy- 国产AV Board Policy Manual
    University Regulations- University Regulations

2024 Administrative Staff Benefits

Hiring Professional Administrative Staff

Vacant positions will be held open for 60 days before rehiring can occur beginning July 1, 2018. That also will allow time to review the position to determine need, and redefine or restructure the open position. Personnel costs account for 71 percent of the FY19 budget.

  • Search Using Search Committee

    Search Using Search Committee 

    Satisfactory completion of a background check is required after a conditional offer of employment has been made.

    1. Hiring Authority submits the following documents:
      • Create or update PDQ, if needed. Supervisor signature is required on PDQ.
      • ORG Chart
      • Position Authorization Form (PAF)
      • Screening Criteria
      • Position Exemption Request Form (new Exempt positions)
      • Charge to Search Committee
      • Position Analysis Form
    2. Business Manager/Administrator submits the documents listed above though PeopleAdmin.
    3. Convene a search committee and select an AA/EO coordinator to serve on committee.
    4. Meet with committee and AA/EO coordinator to give and discuss written charge.

    Search Committee (as charged)

    1. Select chair person
    2. Determine how to screen applicants based on screening criteria
    3. Determine screening review schedule and follow-up meeting
    4. Complete screening of all applicants
    5. Meet to discuss narrowing applicant pool, interview questions and processes.
      • Schedule next meeting.
      • Review AA/EO demographics data received from AA/EO coordinator.
      • Suggest other advertising venues if it is felt the diversity pool is not large enough.
    6. Compile interview questions.
    7. Conduct phone interviews.
      • A comprehensive interview guide is available from HR upon request.
    8. Meet to discuss phone interviews.
    9. Conduct reference checks (as charged)
    10. Compile recommendation list.
      • Document strengths and weaknesses of candidates and submit to hiring authority.
    11. Arrange campus interviews (as charged).
    12. Compose rejection letter or email and send to applicants no longer being considered
      • PeopleAdmin has a universal rejection email which can be sent by the search admin or HR.
    13. If open forum scheduled, participate and provide feedback.
    14. Review required paperwork and submit all committee notes and information to hiring authority.
      • Search chair is responsible for submitting Search Chair Closing Sheet.
      • AA/EO is responsible for submitting AA/EO Closing Sheet.

    Hiring Authority

    1. Determine finalist list and final interview questions. AA/EO coordinator reviews questions.
    2. Schedule interview (if committee is not)
    3. If using open forums, schedule meeting room and announce in 国产AV today.
    4. Conduct interviews
    5. Ensure AA/EO coordinator conducts exit interviews with candidates.
      • If interview process does not include a meeting with HR for a benefits overview, be sure to give candidates the HR benefits overview handout.
    6. Conduct reference checks, unless already done.
    7. Make final decision and discuss with director or VP.
    8. Issue tentative offer (contingent upon passing background check) and discuss start date.
    9. Upon acceptance, contact business manager to send out offer letter, background check release, and personal data form to new hire.
      • If department reports to the Provost's office, contact Provost's office instead.
    10. After background check has cleared, announce new hire to campus community.
    11. Schedule new hire and benefits orientation with HR.
    12. Submit position finalist form and search closing materials to HR
      • Remaining search materials are to be kept by the department for three years.
    13. Complete performance plan.
  • Independent Review

    Independent Review

    Satisfactory completion of a background check is required after a conditional offer of employment has been made.

    1. Hiring Authority submits the following documents:
      • Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ)- Exempt Only
      • ORG Chart
      • Position Authorization Form (PAF)
      • Position Exemption Request Form (new Exempt positions)
      • Screening Criteria
    2. Business Manager/Administrator submits the documents listed above though PeopleAdmin.
    3. Human Resources notifies Business Manager/search chair when approved.
    4. Human Resources posts on www.careers.unco.edu and .
    5. Hiring Authority or designated reviewer screens all applicants and ranks the applicants.
    6. Hiring Authority conducts phone interviews.
    7. Hiring Authority conducts campus interviews.
    8. Once selection is made, Business Manager sends Appointment Letter, Personal Data Form, and Background Check to new hire.
      • If program area reports to Provost, this step is done by the Provost鈥檚 office after Position Finalist Form and Search Closing documents are forwarded to them.
    9. Business Manager submits Payroll Data Form to Human Resources after background check clears.
    10. Supervisor contacts Human Resources to schedule new hire orientation.
    11. Hiring Authority submits Position Finalist Form and Search Chair Closing Sheet to Human Resources.
      • If program area reports to Provost, Provost鈥檚 office will forward these documents to Human Resources.
    12. Hiring Authority or designee notifies unsuccessful applicants normally through a mass generic email available through PeopleAdmin for Exempt positions or via letter/email for Faculty positions.
  • Interview Questions

    Interview Questions

  • Vacancy Announcement

    Vacancy Announcement

  • Role of AAEO Coordinator

Professional Administrative Staff Policies and Procedures

  • Professional Administrative Staff Policies and Procedures

    Professional Administrative Staff Policies and Procedures

  • Rules/Handbooks
  • Performance Evaluation Process

    Performance Evaluation Process

  • General Policies and Procedures

    General Policies and Procedures

    Honor Code

    All members of the University of Northern Colorado community are entrusted with the responsibility to uphold and promote five fundamental values: Honesty, Trust, Respect, Fairness, and Responsibility. These core elements foster an atmosphere, inside and outside of the classroom, which serves as a foundation and guides the 国产AV community鈥檚 academic, professional, and personal growth. Endorsement of these core elements by students, faculty, staff, administration, and trustees strengthens the integrity and value of our academic climate.


    It is a violation of University Policy to discriminate in the provision of educational or employment opportunities, benefits, or privileges; to create discriminatory work or academic conditions; or to use discriminatory evaluative standards in employment or educational settings if the basis of that discriminatory treatment is, in whole or part, the person's race, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.

    AA/EO/Title IX

    Sexual Harassment

    The University prohibits sexual harassment by any faculty, student, staff, invitee, or agent of the University. The University adheres to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's definition of sexual harassment as modified for the University setting. Further detailed information regarding Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies can be found in the Board Policy Manual under section 2-2-201 or the Employee Relations Website.

Personnel Files

Employee files are maintained by the Human Resources Department and are considered confidential.  Managers and supervisors other than the designated Human Resources representatives may only have access to personnel file information on a need-to-know basis.  A manager or supervisor considering the hire of a former employee or transfer of a current employee may be granted access to the file.

Personnel files are to be reviewed in the Human Resource Department. Personnel files may not be taken outside of the department.