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Annotated Bibliography: Videos

This annotated bibliography was prepared by Sandra McClure in 2020.

These videos (below) are resources that are of interest to ASL legal interpreters. The descriptive and evaluative paragraph associated with the citation conveys the quality and relevance of the resource which assists in determining if the resource is of actual interest.

Additional resources are available within this Annotated Bibliography

NOTE: This page was last updated November 2021.

  1. Clark, T. (2021, October 1). GURIEC National Video Interpreting Symposium 2012: Pilot project in legal interpreting [Video file]. YouTube.

    Key Words: pilot program, legal interpreting

    Tracey Clark shares information about a pilot project in the state of California using Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) in the courts.

    Link to Video:

  2. FLEW Ontario. (2011, November 30). Criminal and family law: ASL [Video file]. YouTube.

    Key Words: criminal, family, law

    Criminal and family law explained in ASL. This legal informational video was developed by Family Law Education for Women (FLEW), funded by the Government of Ontario and available on

    Link to Video:

  3. Guiney, M., Bartlett, P., & Hawkins, S. (1990). The law in your hands legal rights for deaf people. North Queensland: JCU Productions at James Cook University.

    Key Words: arrest, Deaf, legal, Australia

    A video for deaf people describing their rights in an arrest situation in Queensland Australia.

    *Not Available

  4. Mathers, C.M. (2021, October 1). GURIEC National Video Interpreting Symposium 2012: Video mediated legal proceedings: The past, the present and the future. [Video file]. YouTube.

    Key Words: legal proceedings, court, interpreter

    Carla Mathers discusses the history and evolution of technology such as video conferencing and remote interpreting in legal settings and how it impacts our profession.

    Link to Video:

  5. MCLDorg. (2014, June 5). Legal terms in ASL [Video playlist]. YouTube.

    Key Words: video, legal, terminology, glossary

    Video dictionary of common legal terms created by MCLD.org.

    Link to Videos:

  6. Morgan, B. & Smith, W. (2012). The right rights: Translating the Miranda Warning. Edmond, OK: Winkshop, Inc.

    Key Words: Miranda Warning, interpreting

    *Not Available

  7. National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers. (2014, June 16). Deaf interpreters at work: Mock trial (Video files). YouTube.

    Key Words: video, Deaf interpreters, mock trial

    Video that shows a mock court trial utilizing a Deaf interpreter and hearing interpreter team.

    Link to Videos:

  8. Sego Lily. (2014, November 19). From legal-ese to legal-ASL vocabulary [Video file]. YouTube.

    Key Words: video, terminology

    Sego Lily created a video of legal terminology typically found in court documents when filing for orders of protection.

    Link to Video:

  9. Shaw, R., & Mathers, C. (2002). Court interpreting where do I stand?Washington, D.C: Gallaudet University.

    Key Words: positioning, court, legal, interpreter

    Risa Shaw and Carla Mathers discuss role and physical positioning of court interpreters.

    *Not Available

  10. Sign Media. (2007). Interpreting the Miranda warnings (DVD). Burtonsville, Md: Sign Media.

    Key Words: Miranda warning, interpretation, DVD

    Panel discussion on a number of issues one must face in order to render an accurate interpretation of the Miranda Warnings into American Sign language. Three different interpretations are shown.

    Link to Media, Account or Purchase Required:

  11. University of Northern Colorado - Mid-America Regional Interpreter Education Center. (2014). Institute on legal interpreting (ILI): Highly effective court interpreting teams in action [Video files]. YouTube.

    Key Words: workbook, CDI, court, legal, teams

    These videos accompany a workbook which contain activities with a focus on the interpretation of various aspects of a civil trial related to a petition for child custody.

    Link to Videos:

  12. Wardle, J. (2018, February 18). An Interview with Ted Baran: Director of the department of public safety at Gallaudet University [Video files]. YouTube.

    Key Words: Department of Public Safety, law enforcement, legal, Gallaudet

    Julia Wardle. Interviewed Ted Baran, the Director of the Department of Public Safety at Gallaudet University where they discuss the dynamics of Deaf rights and interpreting services, and the importance of the use of Certified Deaf Interpreters for legal matters.

    Link to Videos: PART 1:
      & PART II:

  13. Woodward, J. (1980). Signs of drug use: An introduction to drug and alcohol vocabulary in American sign language. Silver Spring, MD: T.J. Publisher.

    Key Words: drugs, alcohol, glossary

    This DVD corresponds directly to the sequence of vocabulary signs presented in the companion text, Signs of Drug Use. Each sign model is shown from a front and side view, with -illustration number and gloss for each sign.

    *Not Available

Grant Recognition

The contents of the Project CLIMB website was developed under a grant (#H160D160001) from the Department of Education. The contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education. Do not assume endorsement by the Federal government.

As of December 31, 2021, this grant project is no longer active or soliciting applications.
This website will remain available as a resource.

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