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Research, Dissemination & Faculty Development

(RDFD) Awards

The Research, Dissemination & Faculty Development (RDFD) program provides support to faculty for research, professional development, and professional travel.


FY 2020 Awards 

Spring 2020

Lauryn Benedict, Biological Sciences, NHS, "How do landscape factors interact with individual behavior to determine the success of a declining grassland bird?"
Andrew Dahlke, Music, PVA, "Towards a Diverse New Music: Jazz Composition, Performance, and Recording Project"
Angie Henderson, Sociology, HSS, "A Multi-Level Analysis of Demand: How Policy & Programming Influences Commercial Sexual Exploitation"
Laura Stewart, Sport and Exercise Science, NHS, "CBD, Inflammation, and Natural Killer Cell Study (CINS)"
Christine Talbot, Gender Studies, HSS, "Sonia Johnson: Mormon Housewife Turned Radical Feminist"
Nat Wickham, Music, PVA, "To Study Renaissance and Baroque Repertoire and Performance Practice Pertaining specifically for the Sackbut (early trombone)"
Hasan Zaghlawan, Special Education, EBS, "Using Self-Regulation to Improve the Math Achievement of High-Potential, Economically Disadvantaged Students from Rural Areas"
Susan Keenan, Biological Sciences, NHS, "Instructional Communities of Practice: Where Do Graduate Teaching Assistants Fit?"

Fall 2019

Sharon Bywater-Reyes, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, NHS, "国产AV River Restoration Research through Networking and Community Partnerships"

Gregory Dekrey, School of Biological Sciences, NHS, "Altered migration of antibody secreting cells after activation of the aryl hydrocarbone receptor"

Anton Dzhamay, School of Mathematical Sciences, NHS, "Random Matrix EurAsia 2020 Workshop"

Socrates Garcia, School of Music, PVA, "Socrates Garcia Latin Jazz Orchestra - Concert at the 2020 Jazz Education Network (JEN) National Conference"

David Hydock, School of Sport and Exercise Science, NHS, "Long-Term Puberty Blocker Treatment and Physical Activity: Implications for the Health of Transgender Youth"

Bailie Peterson, Department of Philosophy, HSS, "First in Philosophy: Expanding understanding of first-generation student perspectives to improve the reach and teaching of philosophy"

Kevin Pugh and Cassandra Bergstrom, School of Psychological Sciences, EBS, "Can Mobile Technology Support Transformative Science Learning? An Evaluation of the Seeing Science Project"

Marilyn Welsh and Eric Peterson, School of Psychological Sciences, The Impact of Child Maltreatment History on Physical Health, Mental Health, and Interpersonal Relationships in College Students

FY 2017 Awards

Matthew Birnbaum-CEBS, Higher Education & Student Affairs Leadership "A Comparative Study of US State and Finnish National Higher Education Funding Formulas"

David Caffey-PVA, Music "CD Recording, Production and Dissemination"

Kui Chen-NHS, Chemistry & Biochemistry "Plasmonic Properties of Gold Nanoshells and their Applications as a Photothermal Coupling Agent"

Joan Clinefelter-HSS, History "RIAS Berlin: Sounding the Cold War, 1949-1961"

Kevin Cody-University College, Environmental & Sustainability Studies "Examining the Influence of Agrarian Contexts on an Emerging Student Farm Program"

Michael Cohen-CEBS, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies "Altering the Traditional Educational Leadership Model: A Study of a Co-Principal Approach to Leadership"

Andrew Creekmore-HSS, Anthropology "An Archaeological Geophysics Study of the Philistine City of Gath"

Gregory DeKrey-NHS, Biological Sciences "B Cell Homing to Mucosal Tissues Following Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor"

Socrates Garcia-PVA, Music "Socrates Garcia Latin Jazz Orchestra - Concert at the 2018 Jazz Education Network Conference"

James Haughian-NHS, Biological Sciences "Exercise and Anti-Tumor Immunity"

Angie Henderson-HSS, Sociology "Pathways to Freedom: Helping Women Escape and Recover from Sex Trafficking"

Jeraldine Kraver- HSS, English "Commemorating Catastrophe: The Case of Auschwitz-Birkenau"

Dana Landry-PVA, Music "Romeo & Juliet Project"

Anne Lanzilotti-PVA, Music "Wollschleger Workshop"

Robert Weis-HSS, History "God Restrains the Devil: Faith, Nationalism and Violence in the Postrevolutionary Generation of Mexico"

Kyle Ward-HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice "Assessing the Role of Mentorship in Jail to Community Re-entry: An Evaluation of Focus Re-entry in Boulder County"

Tamara Yakaboski-CEBS, Higher Education & Student Affairs Leadership "Academic Mobility, Gender, & Internationalization in Finnish Higher Education"

Ather Zia-HSS Anthropology & Gender Studies "The State of Post-Colonial Siege and the "De-Facto" Indian Occupation in the Valley of Kashmir"

FY 2016 Awards

Thomas Dunn-CEBS, Psychological Sciences "Latent Variable Methods Workshop at Brown University"

Marilyn Welsh-CEBS, Psychological Sciences "The Impact of Child Maltreatment History on Cognition, Emotion, and Adaptation in College"

James Doerner-HSS, Geography & GIS "China Studies Institute"

Richard Bownas-HSS, Political Science "A Political Sociology of Earthquake Relief in Sindhupalchok District, Nepal"

Rick Adams-NHS, Biological Sciences "Bats as Bioindicators of Climate Change Effects in Sub-Saharan Africa"

Scott Franklin-NHS, Biological Sciences "Clonal Plant Response to Disturbance in High Tatras"

Murielle Watzky-Brewer-NHS, Chemistry "Kinetic Studies of Silver Nanoclusters Formation and Reactivity"

Graham Baird-NHS, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences "Chemistry and Age of the Igneous Rocks in the Big Thompson Canyon: Establishing a Culture of Undergraduate Research in the Earth & Atmospheric Sciences"

Nicole Withrow-McDonald-NHS, Human Sciences "The Development of an Eating Screening Inventory for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)"

Hortensia Soto-Johnson-NHS, Mathematical Sciences "Mathematics Education as a Research Field: An International Perspective"

Anissa Buhring-NHS, Nursing " Facing the Odds: The Impact of Stereotype Threat on Academic Performance"

Laura Stewart-NHS, Sport & Exercise Sciences "T Cell and Cancer Project"

Jill Burgett-PVA, School of Music "Catalan Choral Music"

Paul Elwood-PVA, School of Music "Collaborative Inspirations"-a CD to be released by Innova Recordings"

Socrates Garcia-PVA, School of Music "Socrates Garcia Latin Jazz Orchestra-Concert at the 2016 Jazz Education Network (JEN) National Conference"

Justin Krawitz-PVA, School of Music "Democracy 25-Phase 1"

Awards Prior to FY 2016

Matthew Birnbaum-CEBS, Higher Education & Student Affairs Leadership "A Comparative Study of US State and Finnish National Higher Education Funding Formulas"

David Caffey-PVA, Music "CD Recording, Production and Dissemination"

Kui Chen-NHS, Chemistry & Biochemistry "Plasmonic Properties of Gold Nanoshells and their Applications as a Photothermal Coupling Agent"

Joan Clinefelter-HSS, History "RIAS Berlin: Sounding the Cold War, 1949-1961"

Kevin Cody-University College, Environmental & Sustainability Studies "Examining the Influence of Agrarian Contexts on an Emerging Student Farm Program"

Michael Cohen-CEBS, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies "Altering the Traditional Educational Leadership Model: A Study of a Co-Principal Approach to Leadership"

Andrew Creekmore-HSS, Anthropology "An Archaeological Geophysics Study of the Philistine City of Gath"

Gregory DeKrey-NHS, Biological Sciences "B Cell Homing to Mucosal Tissues Following Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor"

Socrates Garcia-PVA, Music "Socrates Garcia Latin Jazz Orchestra - Concert at the 2018 Jazz Education Network Conference"

James Haughian-NHS, Biological Sciences "Exercise and Anti-Tumor Immunity"

Angie Henderson-HSS, Sociology "Pathways to Freedom: Helping Women Escape and Recover from Sex Trafficking"

Jeraldine Kraver- HSS, English "Commemorating Catastrophe: The Case of Auschwitz-Birkenau"

Dana Landry-PVA, Music "Romeo & Juliet Project"

Anne Lanzilotti-PVA, Music "Wollschleger Workshop"

Robert Weis-HSS, History "God Restrains the Devil: Faith, Nationalism and Violence in the Postrevolutionary Generation of Mexico"

Kyle Ward-HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice "Assessing the Role of Mentorship in Jail to Community Re-entry: An Evaluation of Focus Re-entry in Boulder County"

Tamara Yakaboski-CEBS, Higher Education & Student Affairs Leadership "Academic Mobility, Gender, & Internationalization in Finnish Higher Education"

Ather Zia-HSS Anthropology & Gender Studies "The State of Post-Colonial Siege and the "De-Facto" Indian Occupation in the Valley of Kashmir"