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国产AV Presentations and Publications on CSPAP

国产AV Faculty have been actively engaged in sharing their knowledge and research in the areas related to CSPAP through publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at local, state, national, and international conferences and workshops.


  • 2019

    Chavarria-Soto, M., Babkes Stellino, M., Koon,L.M., Kirby, J.B., Polson, T. (2019). Physical Activity Breaks in the College Classroom: Student Engagement Factors.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 51:5 Supplement

    Carson, R. L., Berei, C., Russ, L. (2019). Internal capacity building: The role of the CSPAP champion and other school professionals. In R. L. Carson & C. A. Webster (Eds.), Comprehensive school physical activity programs: Putting evidence-based research into practice (Chapter 3). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

    Carson, R. L., McMullen, J., Dauenhauer, B. D., & Brittain, D. R. (2019). Physical activity promotion in schools. In D. Borenstein, A. Eyler, J. Maddock & J. Moore (Eds.), Physical activity in public health: A guide to effective interventions (Chapter 12). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

    Carson, R. L., & Webster, C. A. (2019). Summary, synthesis, and strategies for advancing the field. In R. L. Carson & C. A. Webster (Eds.), Comprehensive school physical activity programs: Putting evidence-based research into practice (Chapter 22). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

    Carson, R. L., & Webster, C. A. (Eds.). (2019). Comprehensive school physical activity programs: Putting evidence-based research into practice. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

  • 2018

    Dauenhauer, B., Carson, R. L., Krause, J., Hodgin, K., Jones, T., & Weinberger, C. (2018). Cultivating physical activity leadership in schools: A three-tiered approach to professional development. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 89(9), 51-57.

    Erwin, H., Brusseau, T. A., Carson, R. L., Hodge, S., & Kang, M. (2018). SHAPE America鈥檚 50 Million StrongTM: Critical research questions related to youth physical activity. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 89(3), 286-297. doi: 10.1080/02701367.2018.1490607

    Phelps, A. N., Calvert, H. G., Hwang, J., Glowacki, E. M., & Carson, R. L, & Castelli, D. M. (2018). Environmental characteristics related to the implementation of comprehensive school physical activity program implementation. European Journal of Environmental and Public Health. doi: 10.20897/ejeph/92007 [Open Access]

    Stoepker, P., Dauenhauer, B., & McCall, T. (2018). Effects of a walking program on physical activity accrual and on-task behavior. Physical Educator, 75(3), 498-514.

  • 2017

    Carson, R. L., Castelli, D. M., & Kulinna, P. H. (2017). CSPAP professional preparation: Takeaways from pioneering physical education teacher education programs. In P. H. Kulinna, R. L. Carson, and D. M. Castelli (Eds.), Integrating CSPAP in PETE programs: Sharing insight and identifying strategies [Special issue]. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 88(2), 43-51.

    Castelli, D. M., Carson, R. L., & Kulinna, P. H. (2017). PETE programs creating teacher leaders to integrate Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs. In P. H. Kulinna, R. L. Carson, and D. M. Castelli (Eds.), Integrating CSPAP in PETE programs: Sharing insight and identifying strategies [Special issue]. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 88(1), 8-10.

    Dauenhauer, B., Krause, J. M., Douglas, S., Smith, M., & Stellino, M. B. (2017). A newly revised master鈥檚 degree in physical education and physical activity leadership at the University of Northern Colorado. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 88 (2), 14-19.

    Moore, J. B., Carson, R. L., Webster, C. A., Singletary, C. R., Castelli, D. M., Pate, R. R., Beets, M. W., & Beighle A. (2017) The application of an implementation science framework to comprehensive school physical activity programs: Be a Champion! Frontiers in Public Health, 5, Article 354. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00354

  • 2016

    Beets, M., Okely, A., Weaver, R. G., Webster, C., Lubans, D., Brusseau, T., Carson, R. L., & Cliff, D. P. (2016). The theory of expanded, extended, enhanced opportunities for youth physical activity promotion. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13, 120. doi 10.1186/s12966-016-0442-2

    Dauenhauer, B., Keating, X. D., & Lambdin, D. (2016). Effects of a three-tiered intervention model on physical activity and fitness levels of youth. Journal of Primary Prevention, 37(4), 313-327.

    Glowacki, E. M., Centeio, E. E., Van Dongen, D. J., Carson, R. L., & Castelli, D. M. (2016). Health promotion efforts as predictors of physical activity in schools: An application of the diffusion of innovations model. Journal of School Health, 86(6), 339-406. doi: 10.1111/josh.12390

    Webster, C. A., Stodden, D. F., Carson, R. L., Nesbitt, D., & Egan, C. (2016). Integrative public health-aligned physical education and implications for the professional preparation of future teachers and teacher educators/researchers in the field. Quest, 68(4), 457-474. doi: 10.1080/00336297.2016.1229628.

  • 2015

    Carson, R. L. & Stewart, L. K. (2015). Promoting physical activity as a major goal. In A. M. Lee & P. Xiang (Eds.), Teaching elementary physical education: A practical approach (pp. 37-55). Beijing, China: People鈥檚 Education Press. (Printed in Chinese).

  • 2014

    Babkes Stellino, M., & Sinclair, C.D. (2014). Examination of recess physical activity patterns using the activities for daily living-playground participation (ADL-PP) instrument.  Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33(2), 282-296.

    Carson, R. L., Castelli, D. M., Beighle, A., & Erwin, H. (2014). School-based physical activity promotion: A conceptual framework for research and practice. Childhood Obesity, 10(2), 100-106. doi: 10.1089/chi.2013.0134

    Carson, R. L., Castelli, D. M., Pulling Kuhn, A. C., Moore, J. B., Beets, M.W., Beighle, A., Aija, R., Calvert, H. G., & Glowacki, E. M. (2014). Impact of trained champions of comprehensive school physical activity programs on school physical activity offerings, youth physical activity and sedentary behaviors. Preventive Medicine, 69(Suppl), S12-S19. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.08.025

    Castelli, D. M., Carson R. L., & Kulinna, P. H. (Eds.). (2014, October).Special Issue: Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Brief on models and methods with a mixed method discussion. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33(3), 435-439.

    Castelli, D. M., Centeio, E. E., Beighle, A., Carson, R. L., & Nicksic, H. (2014). Physical literacy and comprehensive school physical activity programs. Preventive Medicine, 66, 95-100. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.06.007

    Deslatte, K. & Carson, R. L. (2014). Identifying common characteristics of comprehensive school physical activity programs in Louisiana. Physical Educator, 71(4), 610-634.

  • 2013

    Babkes Stellino, M., & Sinclair, C.D. (2013). Psychological predictors of children鈥檚 recess physical activity motivation and behavior. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 84(2), 167-176.

    Carson, R. L. (2013). Calling all practitioners: Encourage and support the creation of active schools and school physical activity champions [Editorial]. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 17(5), 342-344. doi: 10.1177/1559827613492604

    Erwin, H. E., Babkes Stellino, M., Beets, M. W., & Beighle, A. (2013).  Physical education lesson content and teacher style and elementary students鈥 motivation and physical activity levels.  Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 32, 321-334.

    Erwin, H., Beighle, A., Carson, R. L., & Castelli, D. M. (2013). Comprehensive school-based physical activity: A review. Quest, 65(4), 412-428. doi: 10.1080/00336297.2013.791872

  • 2012

    Carson, R. L. (2012). Certification and duties of a Director of Physical Activity. In J. Rink (Ed.), Implementing comprehensive school physical activity programs: The role of Directors of Physical Activity [Special issue]. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 83(6), 16-19, 29.

  • 2011

    Dauenhauer, B. & Keating, X. D. (2011). The influence of physical education on physical activity levels of urban elementary students. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82(3), 512-520.

  • 2010

    Babkes Stellino, M., Sinclair, C.D., Partridge, J.A., & McClary King, K. (2010).  Differences in children鈥檚  
    recess physical activity: Recess activity of the week (RAW) intervention. Journal of  School Health, 80(9), 436-444.

    Beighle, A., Beets, M.W., Erwin, H.E., White, J., Moore, J.B., & Stellino, M. (2010). Physical activity promotion in afterschool programs. Afterschool Matters, 11, 24-32.

    Carson, R. L., Baumgartner, J. J., Matthews, R. A., & Tsouloupas, C. N. (2010). Emotional exhaustion, absenteeism, and turnover intentions in childcare teachers: Examining the impact of physical activity behaviors. Journal of Health Psychology, 15(6), 905-914. doi: 10.1177/1359105309360697

  • 2008

    Babkes Stellino, M., & Sinclair, C.D. (2008). Intrinsically motivated, free-time physical activity: Considerations for recess. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance (JOPERD), 79(4), 37-40.

    Sinclair, C.D., Babkes Stellino, M., & Partridge, J.A. (2008). Recess activities of the week (RAW): Promoting increases in children鈥檚 free time physical activity. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 21 (5), 21-24.


  • 2019

    Chavarria-Soto, M., Babkes Stellino, M., Koon,L.M.,  Kirby, J.B.,  Polson, T. (2019). Physical Activity Breaks in the College Classroom: Student Engagement Factors. American College of Sports Medicine 2019 Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine庐, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise, Circadian Rhythms and Sleep. Orange County. FL. 

    Carson, R. L., McMullen, J., Dauenhauer, B., von Klinggraeff, L., Hodgin, K. L., Capps, M., & Turner, G. (2019, April). Data-coaching effects on student physical activity in the classroom. In C. A. Webster (Chair), Championing CSPAPs: Studies of targeted program implementers and advocates. Research council symposium submitted for presentation at the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America National Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL.

    Dauenhauer, B., Krause, J., Walker, S., Capps, M., McMullen, J., & Carson, R. L. (2019, April). A two-year evaluation of PE/PA professional development workshops. Research abstract accepted for presentation at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America National Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL.

    Moore, J. B., Levine, B. J., Singletary, C. R., Weaver, R. G., Beets, M. W., Carson, R. L., Pate, R. R., & Saunders, R. P. (2019, February). Effectiveness of a comprehensive school physical activity program in elementary schools: Be a Champion! Accepted research oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Active Living Research, Charleston, SC.

    Pulling Kuhn, A., Stoepker, P., Lorenz, K.A., Dauenhauer, B., Graham, D.J., Ingman, B.C., George, M. W., & Carson, R.L. (2019, February). A systematic review of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model鈥檚 component of physical education and physical activity. Research abstract accepted for presentation at the Active Living Research annual conference, Charleston, South Carolina. 

    Stoepker, P., Dauenhauer, B., & Carson, R. L. (2019, February). Using the Delphi Method to Validate a CSPAP Policies and Practices Questionnaire (CSPAP-Q). Accepted research poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Active Living Research, Charleston, SC.

    von Klinggraeff, L., Hodgin, K. L., Capps, M., Dauenhauer, B., & Carson, R. L. (2019, February). Unexpected findings from a movement integration course for classroom teachers. Paper submitted for presentation at the Active Living Research annual conference, Charleston, SC.

  • 2018

    Adams, V., Knapton, N., Lobato, M., Schroeder, D., McMullen, J., Krause, J., & Carson, R. L. (2018, October). Strategies for promoting physical activity within and beyond the school day: Perspectives from master physical activity leaders (PALs). In B. Dauenhauer (Chair). Symposium presented at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) Colorado Convention, Aurora, CO.

    Boncella, K., Hodgin, K. L., Capps, M. J., Dauenhauer, B., & Carson, R. L. (2018, October). Impact of an open-gym opportunity for high school students on physical activity. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) Colorado, Aurora, CO.

    Carson, R. L., Stoepker, P., Dauenhauer, B., von Klinggraeff, L. E., McMullen, J., Pulling Kuhn, A. C. & Capps, M. J. (2018, October). Teacher and student behavior improvements throughout a CSPAP-aligned Master鈥檚 program. Abstract accepted for presentation at the PETE & HETE Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.

    Dauenhauer, B., Carson, R. L., Krause, J., & Stoepker, P. (2018, October). Action research projects embedded within a physical activity leadership master鈥檚 program. In C. Egan & Goc Carp, G. (Chairs), Assessing PETE Training in Whole of School Approaches. Symposium accepted for presentation at the PETE & HETE Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.

    Moore, J. B., Singletary, C. R., Weaver, R. G., Chandler, J., Beets, M. W., Carson, R. L., Pate, R. R., & Saunders, R. P. (2018, October). Implementation of comprehensive school physical activity programs in elementary schools: Be a Champion! Research presentation at the 7th annual International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, London, England.

    Carson, R. L., & Webster, C. A. (2018, September). Researching comprehensive school physical activity programs (CSPAP): Overview and future directions [Webinar]. NOPREN/PAPRN+ School Wellness Working Group. Available on https://nopren.org/working_groups/school-wellness-policy/

    von Klinggraeff, L., Dauenhauer, B., Hodgin, K., Peal, T., Weinberger, C., & Carson, R. L. (2018, August). Effects of a physical activity integration course on teachers鈥 perceived barriers. Paper presented at the Annual Public Health in the Rockies Conference, Copper Mountain, CO.

    McMullen, J. M., Hodgin, K. L., Krause, J., & Carson, R. L. (2018, July). Support for movement in school: Considering perspectives from multiple stakeholders. Paper presented at the annual Association Internationale des 脡coles Sup茅rieures d'脡ducation Physique (AIESEP) World Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland.

    Carson, R. L., Pulling Kuhn, A. C., George, M., Graham, D., & Ingman, B., (2018, May). The development of menus of best practices for school health. Research presentation at Mental Health-Education Integration Consortium (MHEDIC), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

    Carson, R. L., Dauenhauer, B., Stoepker, P., Pulling Kuhn, A. C., von Klinggraeff, L., Mwandira, L., Capps, M., & Weaver, R. G. (2018, April). Classroom teacher behavior and student activity outcomes from CSPAP data-coaching. In C. A. Webster (Chair), Studies illustrating theoretical/conceptual contributions to the CSPAP knowledge base. Research council symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Nashville, TN.

    Carson, R. L., Dauenhauer, B., Stoepker, P. T., von Klinggraeff, L. E., Capps, M. J., Pulling Kuhn, A. C., Hodgin, K. L., & Weaver, R. G. (2018, April). Effects of a physical activity integration course for classroom teachers on student movement and teacher behavior. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.

    Carson, R. L., Dauenhauer, B., Stoepker, P., Pulling Kuhn, A. C., von Klinggraeff, L., Mwandira, L., Capps, M., & Weaver, R. G. (2018, March). Classroom teacher behavior and student activity outcomes from CSPAP data-coaching. In C. A. Webster (Chair), Studies illustrating theoretical/conceptual contributions to the CSPAP knowledge base. Symposium presented at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America National Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN.

    Dauenhauer, B., Carson, R. L., Jones, T., Weinberger, C., & Capps, M. (2018, March). Training physical activity leaders: A three-tiered approach to professional development. Session accepted for presentation at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America National Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN.

    Stoepker, P., Dauenhauer, B., McMullen, J. M., Krause, J. M., Pulling-Kuhn, A. C., Capps, M., & Carson, R. L. (2018, March). University-community engagement strategies to develop physical activity leaders in Colorado. Presented at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America National Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN.

    Carson, R. L., Dauenhauer, B., Stoepker, P., Pulling Kuhn, A. C., von Klinggraeff, L. E., Capps, M. J., Hodgin, K. L., Lalonde, T. L., & McMullen, J. M. (2018, February). Data-sharing with classroom teachers and elementary children鈥檚 physical activity at school. Paper presented at the Active Living Research annual conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

    Carson, R. L., Hodgin, K., Pulling Kuhn, A. C., & von Klinggraeff, L. (2018, February). University-community partnership strategies for supporting healthy schools. Lunch roundtable discussion at the annual Active Living Research conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

    Pulling Kuhn, A. C., Carson, R. L., George, M. W., Graham, D. J., & Ingman, B. C. (2018, February). The development of evidence-based practice menus for the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. Poster presented at the Active Living Research annual conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

  • 2017

    Borel, C., Cook, V., Manzanares, E., Miller, J., Carson, R. L., McMullen, J., Krause, J., & Douglas, S. (2017, October). Strategies for promoting physical activity in schools. In B. Dauenhauer (Chair). Symposium presented at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) Colorado Convention, Colorado Springs, CO.

    George, M. W., Carson, R. L., Kuhn, A. C., Ingman, B., Graham, D., Belansky, E., Coatsworth, J. D., Cutforth, N., Kutchman, E., & Riggs, N. R. (2017, October). Developing and disseminating best practices in comprehensive health and wellness in schools. Conference session presentation at the 22nd annual conference on Advancing School Mental Health, Washington, DC.

    George, M.W., Toll, R., Riggs, N.R., Coatsworth, J.D., Graham, D., Carson, R.L., Ingman, B., Belansky, E., Cutforth, N., Kutchman, E., & (2017, October) Innovation in Comprehensive Health and Wellness in Schools. Conference session presented at the Mental Health and Education Integration Consortium (MHEDIC) Fall Meeting, Washington DC.

    Stoepker, P., & Dauenhauer, B. (2017, October). Integrating physical activity in the secondary classroom. Session presented at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) Colorado Convention, Colorado Springs, CO.

    Pulling Kuhn, A. C., Carson, R. L., George, M. W., Ingman, B., Graham, D., Belansky, E., Coatsworth, D., Cutforth, N., Kutchman, E., Riggs, N. R., Dauenhauer, B. (2017, March). A systematic review of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model's component of employee wellness. Research poster presented at the 27th annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference, Colorado Springs, CO.

    Stellino, M. B., Dauenhauer, B., Stoepker, P., & Kuhn, A. C. (2017, March). Structured before-school physical activity: Impact on student behaviors and experiences. Research poster presented at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America National Conference and Exposition, Boston, MA.

    Stoepker, P., & Dauenhauer, B. (2017, March). The walking classroom. Research poster presented at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America National Conference and Exposition, Boston, MA.

    Carson, R. L. (2017, January). Empowering leaders of active learning schools. District Scholar lecture at the annual meeting the Central District of the Society of Health and Physical Educators America, Cedar Falls, IA.

    Stoepker, P., Lynch, B. M., Nam, Y. H., Krause, J., Dauenhauer, B., Stellino, M. B., McMullen, J., Smith, M., & Carson, R. L. (2017, January). The future of physical activity leadership: Characteristics of school professionals seeking a master鈥檚 degree in physical education and physical activity leadership. Research poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education, Orlando, FL.

  • 2016

    Moore, J., Singletary, C., Beets, M., Weaver, G., & Carson, R. L. (2016, December). Tailored implementation of comprehensive school physical activity programs in elementary schools: Be a champion! Paper presented at the 9th annual conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, National Institutes of Health, Academy Health, Washington, D.C.

    Carson, R. L., & Webster, C. (Invited Speaker). (2016, February 10). Comprehensive school physical activity programs: Implications for kinesiology departments [Webinar]. Available on American Kinesiology Association:

    Moore, J. B., Singletary, C. R., Carson, R. L., Pate, R. R., Beighle, A. E., Castelli, D. M., Webster, C. A., Peluso, A. G., & Beets, M. W. (2016, February). An implementation framework for comprehensive school physical activity programs: Be a champion! Research presentation at the annual Active Living Research conference, Clearwater, FL.

  • 2015

    Dauenhauer, B., Krause, J., Douglas, S., Smith, M., Babkes Stellino, M., & Carson, R. L. (2015, October). Development of a Master鈥檚 program focused on CSPAP leadership: Perspectives from the University of Northern Colorado. Best practices presentation at the tri-annual Physical Education Teacher Education & Health Education Teacher Education meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Atlanta, GA.

    Erwin, H., Goc Karp, G., Carson, R. L. & Powers, P. (2015, October). Professional preparation programs for CSPAP leaders. Panel presentation at the Physical Education Teacher Education & Health Education Teacher Education tri-annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Atlanta, GA.

    Goh, T. L., Hannon, J. C., Webster, C. A., Brusseau, T. A., & Carson, R. L. (2015, October). Perspectives of graduate students as physical activity leaders in schools. Research presentation at the tri-annual Physical Education Teacher Education & Health Education Teacher Education meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Atlanta, GA.

    Mayfield, C. A., Moore, J. B., Crimarco, A. E., Saunders, R. P., Carson, R. L., Pate, R. R., & Beets, M. W. (2015, October). What makes a champion? An evaluation framework for the Be a champion! coordinated school physical activity program. Research presentation at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA.

    Pulling Kuhn, A., Carson, R. L., & Beighle, A. (2015, October). Changes in psychosocial perspectives among teachers trained as physical activity leaders: Teacher efficacy, work engagement, and affective commitment. Research presentation at the Physical Education Teacher Education & Health Education Teacher Education tri-annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) America, Atlanta, GA.

    Babkes Stellino, M., Thornton, M., & Erwin, H. (2015). Elementary teacher autonomy support for children鈥檚 recess physical activity motivation. Presentation at Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE), Seattle, WA.

    Dauenhauer, B., Babkes Stellino, M., & Carson, R. (2015). Presentation in 鈥淔irst Flight of the Fledgling: Advancing Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program Research鈥: Establishing a CSPAP Research Agenda within a New Master鈥檚 Program Evaluation Plan. Half-day Workshop at the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE), Seattle, WA.

    Dauenhauer, B., Babkes Stellino, M., Smith, M.A. (2015). Service learning lessons from a before school physical activity. Presentation at Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE), Seattle, WA.

    Dauenhauer, B., Krause, J., Douglas, S., Smith, M., Babkes Stellino, M., & Carson, R. L. (2015, March). Establishing a CSPAP research agenda within a new master鈥檚 program evaluation plan. In C. Webster (Chair). First flight of the fledgling: Advancing comprehensive school physical activity program research. Symposium conducted at the Society for Health and Physical Educators Annual Conference (SHAPE) America National Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA.    

    Dauenhauer, B., Krause, J., Douglas, S., Smith, M., Babkes Stellino, M., & Carson, R. L. (2015, March).  Introducing an online master鈥檚 program that integrates physical activity leadership. In R. L. Carson (Chair). Integrating CSPAP in PETE programs: Sharing insights and identifying strategies. Symposium conducted at the Society for Health and Physical Educators Annual Conference (SHAPE) America National Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA.  

    Thornton, M.L., Babkes Stellino, M., Moore, E., Johnson, C., & Erwin, H. (2015). Gender inequalities in elementary recess physical activity.  Presentation at Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE), Seattle, WA.

    van der Mars, H., Dauenhauer, B., Babkes Stellino, M., Carson, R. L., Rukavina, P.,  Doolittle, S., Kulinna, P. H., Lorenz, K. A., Stylianou, M., Metzler, M. W., Hunt, K., Marquis, J., Trent, M., Pitt-Barnes, S., McMullen, J. M., Bulger, S., M., Elliott, E., Jones, E., Brusseau, T. A., Centeio, E. E., McCaughtry, N., Webster, C. A., Weaver, R. G., Russ, L. Beets, M. W., Vazou, S., McKenzie, T. L., Barrett-Williams, S., & Lounsbery, M. A. F. First flight of the fledgling: Advancing comprehensive school physical activity program research. (2015, March). Research council workshop session conducted at the annual meeting of the Society of Health and Physical Educators America, Seattle, WA.

    Babkes Stellino, M., & B. Dauenhauer. (2015). Before School Physical Activity Programming: Evidence for Policy Inclusion. Prensentation at the annual Active Living Research (ALR) conference, San Diego, CA.

    Carson, R. L. (2015, February). Keys to navigating the evolving role of a physical educator in schools. Scholar lecture at the annual meeting the Southwest District of the Society of Health and Physical Educators America, Atlanta, GA.

    Carson, R. L., Dauenhauer, B., & Babkes Stellino, M. (2015, February). Comprehensive school physical activity programming updates. Breakfast roundtable discussion at the annual Active Living Research conference, San Diego, CA.

    Carson, R. L., Dauenhauer, B., & Babkes Stellino, M. (2015, February). Introducing a new masters program to develop leaders of comprehensive school physical activity programs. Practice/policy poster accepted for presentation at the annual Active Living Research conference, San Diego, CA.

  • 2014

    Barcelona, J. M., Centeio, E. E., Sears, J. V., Beighle, A., Carson, R. L., & Castelli, D. M. (2014, May). Professional development as a predictor of implementation of a comprehensive school physical activity program. Scientific abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL.

    Glowacki, E. M., Centeio, E. E., Van Dongen, D. J., Carson, R. L., Beighle, A., & Castelli, D. M. (2014, May). Health promotion efforts as predictors of opportunities for physical activity. Scientific abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL.

    Hwang, J., Centeio, E. E., Calvert, H. G., Carson, R. L., Beighle, A., & Castelli, D. M. (2014, May). Environmental characteristics related to the implementation of comprehensive school physical activity programs. Scientific abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL.

    Carson, R. L., Pulling, A. C., Castelli, D. M., & Beighle, A. (2014, April). Facilitators and inhibitors of the DPA program and CSPAP implementation. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, St. Louis, MO.

    Centeio, E. E., Castelli, D. M., Carson, R. L., & Beighle, A. (2014, April). Implementing CSPAP into the school setting: Professional development outcomes. Research poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, St. Louis, MO.

    Centeio, E. E., Castelli, D. M., Carson, R. L., & Beighle A., & Glowacki, E. (2014, April). Comprehensive school physical activity programs: Current practice & promise. In R. L. Carson (Chair), Examples of comprehensive school physical activity program intervention research. Research council symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, St. Louis, MO.

    Centeio, E. E., Glowacki, E., Castelli, D. M., Carson, R. L., & Beighle, A. (2014, April). Predictors of physical activity opportunities: Educational policy and administrative support. Research poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, St. Louis, MO.

    McKey, K., Pulling, A. C., Castelli, D. M., Beighle, A., & Carson, R. L. (2014, April). Schoolwide physical activity programs delivered by Directors of Physical Activity. In R. L. Carson (Chair),Examples of comprehensive school physical activity program intervention research. Research council symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, St. Louis, MO.

    Sinclair, C. D., & Babkes Stellino, M. (2014). 鈥淎 Drawing of Me鈥: Exploring children's recess psychological needs satisfaction. Presentation at the Annual National Convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), St. Louis, MO.

    Thornton, M. L., Moore, E., Johnson, C., Erwin, H., & Babkes Stellino, M. (2014). Relationship between recess physical activity levels and the built environment. Presentation at the Annual National Convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), St. Louis, MO.

    Carson, R. L. & Castelli, D. M. (2014, March). Comprehensive school physical activity programming. Breakfast roundtable discussion at the annual Active Living Research conference, San Diego, CA

    Carson, R. L., Pulling, A. C., Raguse, A. L., Calvert, H. G., Glowacki, E. M., Castelli, D. M., & Beighle, A. (2014, March). Newly implemented comprehensive school physical activity programs and children鈥檚 physical activity. Research oral presentation at the annual Active Living Research conference, San Diego, CA.

    Dauenhauer, B., & Castelli, D. (2014, March). Activity monitor feedback and physical activity in overweight/obese children. Research poster presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Conference and Exposition, St. Louis, MO.

    Babkes Stellino, M., & Sinclair, C. (2014). Elementary physical education and classroom teachers鈥 perspectives on the value of recess as 鈥渃urrency鈥. Presented at the AISEP World Congress. Auckland, New Zealand.

    Carson, R. L., Dauenhauer, B., & Stellino, M. B. (2015, February). Introducing a new master鈥檚 program to develop leaders of comprehensive school physical activity programs. Research poster presented at the Active Living Research Conference, San Diego, CA.

  • 2013

    Sinclair, C., & Babkes Stellino, M. (2013). School-based physical activity: Classroom and physical education teachers鈥 views of the school/administrator鈥檚 role. Presentation at the Texas AHPERD (TAHPERD) Convention. Dallas, TX.

    Carson, R. L., & Jonas, J. (2013, November). Let鈥檚 Move! active schools.鈥 Accepted for oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Louisiana Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Baton Rouge, LA.

    Carson, R. L. (2013, October). The changing role of the physical educator to move children in school. Homecoming keynote presentation, Springfield College, Springfield, MA.

    Carson, R. L. (2013, October). An examination of physical education teacher motivation from a self-determination theoretical framework. Spring Semester Doctoral Student Journal Club Luncheon, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Springfield College, MA.

    Carson, R. L. (2013, September). Creating active schools: One champion & component at a time. Graduate student seminar presentation, Department of Exercise Science, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.

    Carson, R. L. (2013, June). The changing role of the physical educator to move a child in school. Plenary speaker at the annual meeting the Southwest District of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Las Vegas, NV.

    Carson, R. L. (2013, April). Easy street to CSPAP street? A move to build a healthier generation.Young scholar address during NASPE Curriculum and Instruction Honor Award Luncheon at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Charlotte, NC.

    Carson, R. L., Castelli, D., & Raguse, A. L. (2013, April). Creating active schools: Introducing the new physical activity leader program. Paper presented at the Invisible College of the Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education Special Interest Group prior to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

    Carson, R. L., & Raguse, A. L. (2013, April). LSU physical and emotional literacy lab: Overview and current projects. Seminar presentation via Adobe Connect, Graduate Research Forum, Department of Kinesiology and Health, Miami University, Oxford, OH.

    Carson, R. L. & Raguse, A. L., Richards, K. A. R., & Templin, T. J. (2013, April). The role of service-learning in kinesiology university settings today. Paper presented at the Invisible College of the Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education Special Interest Group prior to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

    Centeio, E. E., Castelli, D. M., Carson, R. L., & Beighle, A. (2013, April). Physical education teachers and comprehensive school physical activity programs. Research poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Charlotte, NC.

    Carson, R. L. (2013, February). Optimize impact: Design for early positive experiences in physical education, sports and physical play 鈥 Self assessment tool. Panel presenter at the Designed to Move Champions Meeting, NIKE world headquarters, Beaverton, OR.

    Carson, R. L., Castelli, D. M., Beighle, A., & Raguse, A. L. (2013, February). Introducing a conceptual framework for comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP) research and practice. Research poster presentation at the annual Active Living Research conference, San Diego, CA.

  • 2012

    Babkes Stellino, M., Erwin, H., & Beighle, A. (2012). Expectancy-value theory approach to home and school-based physical activity. Presentation at the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) Annual Conference, Waikiki, Hawaii.

    Babkes Stellino, M., Sinclair, C., Erwin, H., & Beighle, A. (accepted for 2012, but not presented). Measurement and Prediction of Children鈥檚 Discretionary-Time Physical Activity: Inclusion of Theoretically-Relevant Psychosocial Variables. 8th International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods (ICDAM8). Rome, Italy.

    Babkes Stellino, M., & Sinclair, C. (2012). Elementary Children鈥檚 Patterns of Recess Physical Activity. Presentation at the Annual  National Convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), Boston, MA.

    Deslatte, K., & Carson, R. L. (2012, November). Identifying the common characteristics of comprehensive school physical activity programs in Louisiana. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Louisiana Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Baton Rouge, LA.

    Carson, R. L., Woods, A. M., Mosier, B., Schoenstedt, L., Watson, D., & Culp, B. O. (2012, October). Physical education and physical activity: A growing divide or rallying cry? Panel presentation at the National Physical Education Teacher Education conference, Las Vegas, NV.

    Beighle, A., Castelli, D., & Carson, R. L. (2012, March). Comprehensive school physical activity programming in teacher preparation: An open dialogue. Panel accepted for presentation (conference canceled unexpectedly) at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Boston, MA.

  • 2011

    Babkes Stellino, M., & Sinclair, C. (2011). Children鈥檚 attraction to psychological need-based recess physical activity ideas. Presentation at the annual  National Convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), San Diego, California.

    Erwin H.E., Schwartz, J.C., Beighle, A., Babkes Stellino, M., Abel, M.G., & Koufoudakis, R. (2011). Lesson influence on motivation and physical activity in physical education. Presentation at the annual National Convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), San Diego, California.

    Carson, R. L., Beighle, A., & Castelli, D. (2011, December). Director of physical activity certification program: Progress to date. Presentation to the NASPE Board of Directors at the headquarters of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Reston, VA.

    Beighle, A., Carson, R. L., & Castelli, D. (2011, March). Learn about the NASPE PADs training and certification program. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, San Diego, CA.

    Carson, R. L., Beighle, A., & Castelli, D. (2011, March). Implementing Let鈥檚 Move in School via DPA training and certification program. Seminar presentation within the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas, Austin, TX.

  • 2010

    Sinclair, C.D., & Babkes Stellino, M. (2010). Psychological predictors of children鈥檚 recess physical activity. Presentation at the annual  National Convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), Indianapolis, Indiana.

    Carson, R. L., Beighle, A., & Castelli, D. (2010, December). The needs and vision for a NASPE鈥檚 physical activity director task force. White paper presentation at the headquarters of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Reston, VA.

    Dauenhauer, B., Keating, X. D., & Lambdin, D. (2010, March). Promoting physical activity and preventing obesity using response to intervention. Session presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN. 

  • 2009

    Stellino, M.B., & Sinclair, C.D. (2009). Measuring children鈥檚 physical activity: Using pictorial self-reports to augment pedometer data. Presentation at the 7th International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods (ICDAM7). Washington D.C.

    Dauenhauer, B., Rotich, W., Keating, X. D., Lambdin, D., & Harrison, L. (2009, October). Physical education and physical activity patterns of elementary minority students. Research poster presented at the NASPE Physical Education Teacher Education Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.

    Dauenhauer, B., Rotich, W., Harrison, L, Keating, K. D., & Lambdin, D. (2009, April). Health-related fitness and physical activity of elementary minority students. Research poster presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, National Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL.

  • 2008

    Sinclair, C.D., Babkes Stellino, M., & Partridge, J.A. (2008). Recess activities of the week: Differences in free-time physical activity. Presentation at the annual National Convention of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), Ft. Worth, Texas.