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Financial Support

Teaching Assistantships

A TA in the Department of Mathematical Sciences carries a teaching/tutoring load of 12 credit hours per year. Typically, a TA is the instructor of record for one to two courses per term. That is, the TA is the teacher for the course, running all class meetings, designing and grading assignments, exams, quizzes, projects, etc. and assigning grades. Most of the courses taught by TAs are also taught by professors and lecturers and most have a faculty coordinator. The courses typically taught by TAs are: college algebra (4 credit hours), mathematics and liberal arts (3 credit hours), mathematics for elementary school teachers (3 credit hours), and basic statistics (3 credit hours). There are also some opportunities to teach more advanced undergraduate courses.

During the 2017-2018 academic year, the stipend for a TA with a Master's degree was $17,081. TAs also receive a tuition waiver-- no tuition is paid by the graduate student; however, insurance and student fees are the responsibility of the student. 

Each TA is provided with office space and access to a computer (it may be a computer shared by those sharing the office space), printer, and copy machine.

Summer Support

Most students get some sort of support in the summer, usually for working on research projects with faculty members.   In recent years, summer support has averaged $2200--$3000 for 120 hours of work.

Grant Work

Among the active grants in the department, several support graduate students at a level of $15,000 to $18,000 per calendar year (including the summer). On average there are two graduate students fully supported by grants each term. These students may spend all their work time doing research or may do some teaching or internship work and some research. In addition, there are many small grants, fellowships, and scholarships available from federal, state, private, and university sources that provide $500 to $3000 per year. Graduate students are mentored by faculty in applying for these small travel, research, and curriculum development grants.

Living in Greeley

Compare the cost of living in Greeley to any other town in the U.S. using this . Additional information about Greeley is available through the 国产AV web page for (note: the page is aimed at all students, undergraduate and graduate).