ASL-English Interpretation
You can facilitate communication between users of ASL and English.
The Bachelor's program in ASL-English Interpretation (ASLEI) provides you with the competencies needed to be an entry-level interpreter across various community and educational settings.
A - S - L - E - I
国产AV's ASLEI program offers a four-year degree in interpreting. The ASLEI curriculum builds upon your fluency in ASL and English in Year 1 and 2 and develops your interpreting skills in Year 3 and 4.
Click on bolded words for hyperlinks to more detailed information.
Overview of ASLEI
Time to Complete
4 years =
11 consecutive semesters
Fall, Spring & Summer
Total Credits
120 credits =
73 credits in the major
16 credits in a minor/concentration/electives
31 credits of Liberal Arts Curriculum
# of Courses Per Semester
2-3 courses in the major
Fall, Spring & Summer = 6-9 credits
1-3 courses in LAC, minor, concentration, or electives
Fall & Spring = 3-9 credits
Grade Requirement
B (81%) or better in all major courses
(and ASLIS offered minor/concentration)
Related Concentration
Practicum Experiences
300 hours total
140 hours = Embedded in courses
160 hours = Internship
Program Requirements
Entrance DOC Screening
Summer Residential Session (Yearly)
Progress Checkpoint (end of Year 2)
Capstone Portfolio (end of Year 4)
In person & virtual language specialists
for ASL I - VI
ASL Club
Student lead
Application Due Date
April 15th
Application Information
Accredited By
Sequence of the ASLEI Major
As an ASLEI student, you will complete 73 credits in the major. In addition to the
major, you will complete 31 credits of Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) and 16 credits in complimentary coursework (i.e., a minor, an area of concentration, or electives).
The following sequence is the typical plan of study for a full-time student just starting their college journey. Major courses are listed along with a suggested number of LAC, minor, concentration, or elective credits to maintain full-time status.
The ASLIS Department offers a minor in ASL and School Interpreting Series as a concentration. The School Interpreting Series (SIS) Degree Plan is the typical plan of study for a full-time ASLEI student who is an OSEP Scholar in the PSI Project.
The total number of credits you take each semester depends on a variety of factors, including financial aid, requirements of minors and/or concentrations, transfer credits, etc.
Major courses are offered once a year and in a specific sequence.
Any changes to the typical plan of study or length of study will come from ASLEI advisors after you have been accepted into the program.
Specifics of ASLEI
Apply to the ASLEI Program
Submit ASLEI Application
After you are accepted into 国产AV...
Apply to the ASLEI Program
Due April 15th
Show ASL Proficiency
Additional information will be sent to you about the DOC screening.
Pay the $175 fee.
The ASLEI Program will send a letter of placement after your DOC screening (or alternative pathway) has been reviewed.
If you are placed into ASL V or higher, you will be scheduled for an intake interview
for initial advising.
Obtaining a placement less than ASL V means you need to increase your ASL foundational skills before you can reapply.