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Reporting Options

Deciding to make a report is a very personal choice. There are several options for survivors to report in a variety of ways with different processes and potential outcomes. ASAP advocates are here to help outline the various options so that survivors can make an informed choice and support you throughout the reporting process. ASAP advocates are always available to accompany survivors to local police stations, the hospital, or the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance to report. 

Law Enforcement 

Survivors can work with law enforcement agencies to report instances of sexual and relationship violence and stalking. 

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Medical Report

A medical report is when a survivor reports to a doctor or forensic nurse during an exam.  Survivors have the option of remaining anonymous or not when making a medical report. 

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University Report

Students and employees can report with the University at the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance. There are options on whether or not a formal or informal process is provided. 

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There are multiple options to report anonymously.

Speak with an ASAP advocate to learn your options.


Reporting with Law Enforcement

Survivors may choose to report with law enforcement. If it is an emergency you should call 911. If it is a non-emergency, it is important to know that you should report with the law enforcement agency where the crime occurred. For example, you may live on-campus, but if the crime committed against you was not on-campus property, you would not report to 国产AV PD, but the law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction over the place the crime occurred (e.g., Greeley PD, Fort Collins PD, Johnstown PD, etc.) 

ASAP advocates and 国产AV Police Officers are always here to answer questions and help you get connected with the right law enforcement agency.

Survivors are often nervous about getting the process started. It can be overwhelming! The first step in any law enforcement investigation is an initial report, which is normally taken by a police officer either at a police station, over the phone, at the ASAP office or other advocacy agency, or at your residence. Survivors have the right to choose how this report is taken and who is in the room with them. ASAP advocates and community-based advocate are available to act as a silent support for any survivor who wishes that have someone with them when they report. Information provided to 国产AV PD will be shared with staff in the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance and the Office of the Dean of Students so that support and accommodations can be provided to you, and so that necessary steps can be taken by the institution to help protect you and the campus community. 

After the initial report, there may be follow up conversations and actions taken by a detective to collect evidence and confirm information. This is when the perpetrator will be aware there has been a report and will most likely be interviewed by detectives.  As the reporting party of a crime, you have rights to be informed about the investigation and it's progress.  Learn more about your rights. 

Survivors should also know that pursuing a criminal case does not commit a prosecuting attorney to filing a case. Once the investigation is complete, all the investigative material is turned over to the district attorney and it is their choice on whether or not charges are filed and the accused is arrested, and the case moves into the court system. 

Medical Reporting

Survivors also have the option of reporting with a forensic nurse or doctor at the hospital. A forensic exam has multiple goals. One is to make sure the survivor has no serious injuries that require medical treatment and to provide preventative measures like Plan B, antibiotics, or PEP for concerns about unwanted pregnancy or STIs. The secondary purpose is to collect evidence, document injuries, and to record a survivor statement. There are several reporting options for survivors when seeking a forensic exam, which can include law enforcement or the survivor remaining anonymous. 

Law Enforcement

Survivors have the option of having law enforcement notified at the time of the forensic exam and a report will be taken by police. This starts the investigative process. 

Medical Reporting

Survivors have the option of giving their statement to the forensic nurse and providing their name and information. Law enforcement is not called, however the information is provided to law enforcement and the evidence is stored for up to two years by local or campus law enforcement. The survivor has the option to make a report with law enforcement at any time. 

Anonymous Reporting

Survivors have the right to remain anonymous and still receive a forensic exam. Evidence will be collected and a statement will be recorded. Law enforcement will not be called. All evidence will be stored under an ID number for up to two years by law enforcement. The survivor has the option to make a report with law enforcement at any time. 

Forensic exams have a time limit due to the fact that evidence is viable for certain windows. Speak with an ASAP advocate to learn more about forensic exams and explore if one is right for you.  ASAP advocates can support survivors by calling the hospital and alerting the emergency room the on-call forensic nurse is needed. This can help cut down on wait times for survivors. Advocates are also available to accompany survivors to the hospital to help them to feel more comfortable. 

Most survivors worry about cost to them for a forensic exam. The forensic exam itself is free. Any preventative medicine prescribed are free. The only cost to survivors is if they are required to see a doctor due to injuries sustained. There are options when it comes to using or not using insurance. Please set up an appointment with an ASAP advocate, to learn more. 

Reporting with the University

国产AV community members have the option to report any form of gender-based violence to the University through the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC). Unlike reporting with law enforcement, reporting to the University does not prompt a criminal investigation. OIEC can provide supportive measures, investigate the incident, identify any policy violations, and make recommendations to remedy the situation. 

ASAP advocates are available to outline the different processes available to 国产AV community members through the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) and to identify the differences between the formal and informal process. 

If both parties involved are not 国产AV students, there are still options for students to receive supportive services from OIEC. The aim is for all survivors to remain students at 国产AV and succeed. However, OIEC cannot hold a non 国产AV community member to the student code of conduct or 国产AV policies. ASAP advocate are available to talk through what supportive measures are available to you or learn more here.