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Undergraduate Advising Manual

This digital manual is presented as a handbook to aid advisors at the University of Northern Colorado in practice. The advising mission is to provide holistic, inclusive support helping students navigate the institution to meet their academic and personal goals by building meaningful relationships and enacting intentional advising practices. 

As a supplemental resource, this manual is not intended or designed to be an exhaustive directory of University policies and procedures. Advisors should use this Digital Manual to access the relevant and related sources of official policy as linked in the headers below. 

The serves as the best Manual for Advising and resource to confirm policy information!

Select the Topic Headers to expand the information. You will find a summary of the topic with applications to advising listed. Each topic provides links to the official policy, governing resources, and contact information as appropriate.

Please contact kathryn.mason@unco.edu for new topics or updates needed for the manual.

Black text on a white background that reads Policy and Academic Topics. Dark Blue lines accent the corners.

Click the Topic for Information

  • Academic Standing & Classifications

    Advisors may need to reference a few policies related to academic standing for students.

    Standing is determined by the cumulative grade point average. In order to graduate, students must earn a minimum of 2.0 (Good Standing) on a 4.0 scale at the University of Northern Colorado. Any student below a 2.0 holds a standing of Academic Probation.

    represents the total Quality Points divided by the total GPA Hours (courses that carry grades) on a student's record.

    Students may receive based on GPA and credit hour requirements.

    Some students may not be aware of their academic standing and you may be the first person to explain their academic standing. They do receive an email to their BearMail account alerting them to standing, so encourage them to check after each semester.

    Students can find their Academic Standing status under the Student tab--> Register and Grades section-->View Student Information. You can find Academic Standing in Navigate (Category on the Student Profile). You may also view the standing in Banner with the SGASTDN Code.

    Any one of the codes listed below indicates that a student has been placed on probation and probably has an Academic Standing hold (34), which will prevent their registration for the next semester. Advisors are responsible for lifting the Academic Standing Hold:

    • P1 鈥 Probation 1st term: students are required to complete the Academic Success Workshop in Canvas (they are enrolled after the drop deadline)
    • PC 鈥 Probation Continued
    • PA 鈥 Probation Appealed
    • PF 鈥 Probation Final Suspension Appealed
    • PS 鈥 Probation, Prior Suspension
    • PX 鈥 2nd Probation, Prior Suspension
    • S1 鈥 Suspension 1st Time
    • SF 鈥 Suspension Final

    国产AV policy is that any student suspended a second time will not be allowed to return to 国产AV for undergraduate studies. If you should have any students with a PS or PF code facing a final suspension, it is imperative that you attempt regular contact with these students.

    When a student is suspended (and will have an Academic Standing 37 Hold), they have the option to immediately or to . Both appeal forms require a statement from the student detailing their actions and plans for success if readmitted. You can access the appeal forms through OnBase and the Probation Support Page.


    Classification is based on the number of credits earned.

    1. Freshman: 0-29 credits
    2. Sophomore: 30-59 credits*
    3. Junior: 60-89 credits
    4. Senior: 90+ credits until completion of bachelor's degree

    *Note: the 30-credit policy requires students who have earned 30-credits to declare a major (these credits included applied transfer credit and all 国产AV credit hours). A No-Major Hold is applied to the Exploring students when they complete 30-credits.

    Based on credit hours taken in a semester.

    • Academic (Enrollment) Full-Time
      • Undergraduate: 12 credit hours
      • Graduate: 9 credit hours
    • Academic (Enrollment) Three-Quarter Time
      • Undergraduate: 9-11 credit hours
    • Academic (Enrollment) Half-Time
      • Undergraduate: 5-8 Credits
    • Financial Aid Full-Time
      • Undergraduate: 12 credit hours
      • Graduate: 9 credit hours
    • Health Insurance Full-Time
      • Undergraduate and Graduate: 9 credit hours (some insurance companies require 12 credit hours)

    An overload is more than 18 credit hours for Fall and Spring terms and more than 15 total credit hours for the Summer term. The Interim Winter Session has a 4 credit hour limit; no overload will be permitted.

    Tuition is classified at the time of application to the University and is based on the information provided on the application for admission. Failure to answer all questions could lead to an initial classification as non-resident. After a student鈥檚 status is determined, it remains unchanged in the absence of satisfactory evidence to the contrary.

  • Catalogs

    Advisors should be experts at recognizing catalog year and searching for information.

    are released early in the summer and go into effect in August each year. 

    New students and new major declarations follow the effective catalog (so when they start or declare their major). These students must declare on the current catalog (no going back in time). New minors and certificates follow the existing catalog the student is on. Students can move up their catalog year. 

    We are currently in the .

    The effective catalog guides all policy at the university-level (along with the current Board of Trustee Policy Manual). 

    The catalog year the student declared their program guides the curriculum requirements for the major and minor.

  • Credit and Course Policies

    Advisors may need to refer to a few topics within the 国产AV Catalog related to Credit and Course Policies:

    It consists of the number of scheduled minutes of instructional activity involving direct contact of faculty with students in a given term utilizing a particular method of instruction. 

    Each course is assigned a subject code that identifies the discipline, field or program offering the course. The number generally indicates the difficulty of a course and its location on a continuum of study (1-400 for a typical undergraduate course). Undergraduate students may not count courses numbered 600-799 toward undergraduate degree programs; however some students may take 500-level courses.

    Courses carry a mutually exclusive designation when the content of each course is highly similar or identical to the other(s). Equivalent courses are identical in content, but may have a different title or prefix.

    The University of Northern Colorado delivers courses through various instructional methods as prescribed by the Department of Education. The following list provides a description of the delivery methods of course offerings at 国产AV:

    1. Face to Face: Instructors interact with students in the same physical space for 75 percent or more of the instructional time
    2. Mixed Face to Face: Instructors interact with students in the same physical space for less than 75 percent of the instructional time with the remainder of the instructional time provided through distance
    3. Distance Education: Education that takes place when the instructor and student are separated by space and/or time. 

    Regular class attendance is assumed. Faculty should state their specific policies on absences in the syllabus. Each instructor determines the relationship between class attendance, the objectives of the class, and the grade. Only the instructor can approve a student's absence. Students are responsible for requesting such approval. Instructors should seek to make reasonable accommodations for a student involved in University-sponsored activities. Students should recognize that not every course can accommodate absences. Notifying the instructor of an absence does not relieve students from meeting the course requirements.

    A student scheduled for three or more final examinations for one day may negotiate a rescheduling of an exam. The student must notify and begin negotiation with their instructors no later than midpoint of the course(s). 

    Directed Studies are available in most disciplines. These are identified within this publication by course number 422. The Directed Study course provides a vehicle to allow a qualified student to receive University credit for an individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a 国产AV faculty member. 

    Permission to register for a non-scheduled course(s) must be approved by the faculty member and the school director/department chair of the major program. A Non-Scheduled Course form for each course must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the appropriate semester add deadlines.

  • Degree and Graduation Requirements

    Advisors may need to reference a few policies related to Degree and .

    The faculty of 国产AV has established four general requirements that a student must meet to earn a baccalaureate degree:

    1. Earn a minimum of 120 semester credit hours.
    2. Have a University of Northern Colorado cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00. Certain programs or majors may have additional requirements.
    3. Have the required credits for the LAC as listed in the student's catalog year.
    4. Meet all degree requirements in the student's major field of study, as listed in the Catalog current when the first major is officially declared.

    Certificates are not recognized nor awarded at the commencement ceremony but will be noted on the transcript with a mailed certificate copy. Declarations and changes are made through the OnBase form.

    The requirements for a major are specified in the catalog of the academic year in which the student declares a major. Certain courses are required for the major, but electives may be chosen from a range of alternatives prescribed by the program. Students who are unsure of their major may enter the University as 'Exploring' and are advised by . An academic minor involves less extensive concentration in a discipline but still imposes specific requirements.

    The Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) provides all undergraduate students with grounding in the liberal arts that is infused with critical and creative inquiry. It also satisfies the six general education areas all public higher education institutions in the state of Colorado are required to include in their undergraduate degree programs. Completing the LAC enables students to develop content knowledge in Written Communication, Mathematics, Arts & Humanities, History, Social & Behavioral Sciences, and Natural & Physical Sciences. 

    Advisors should review the requirements of the LAC for the pre- and post- 2021 catalog fully and carefully: /registrar/current-students/lac.aspx 

    A student must have earned a minimum of 30 semester credit hours in 国产AV courses. 20 of the last 30 semester credit hours of a degree program must be earned in 国产AV courses.

    Students who intend to graduate must apply for graduation through the Office of the Registrar.  A $50.00 non-refundable graduation application fee will only be charged one time per degree and is applied to a student's account. 

    If a graduation application is denied the student is responsible for speaking to and following up with their advisor about any missing requirements. The Office of the Registrar will not advise on missing degree requirement(s). The student must re-apply when there are no longer any missing requirements.

    Graduation with honors is determined on the basis of a student鈥檚 cumulative 国产AV grade point average at time of degree completion: 3.90-4.00 for summa cum laude, 3.80-3.89 for magna cum laude, and 3.70-3.79 for cum laude. This GPA must be based off of at least 56 semester hours of 国产AV credit.

    Diplomas will be released two weeks after the release of official transcripts.


    You are required to complete the FERPA training through the HR Compliance Portal by October 31 each academic year.

  • Fresh Start

    国产AV offers two forms of a , which may be an option if your advisee's courses did not go according to plan. With both programs, letter grades "C-," "D+," "D," "D-" or "F" earned before returning with Fresh Start will remain on the transcript but will no longer be used in the calculation of 国产AV GPA. These courses will no longer count for graduation, either. These programs offer a fresh start, meaning they may need to retake classes to fill LAC, major, or minor requirements.

    Fresh Start Freshmen

    Fresh Start for Freshmen is for students who have completed fewer than 30 earned credits towards graduation at 国产AV with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0.

    Fresh Start Returning

    Fresh Start for Returning Students is for students who have not attended 国产AV for a minimum of three years, and who have earned grades of "C-" or lower. 

    Your student can apply for Fresh Start through the Probation Support Page. The Academic Review Coordinator processes applications to ensure they meet the eligibility requirements and sends accepted apps to the Registrar to update the record.

    Fresh Start is a guaranteed readmission pathway for suspended students because they will be in Good Standing if Fresh Start takes effective (since anything below a 2.0 is removed from the GPA). 

  • Grading Policies

    Advisors should reference a few policies related to Grading.

    国产AV follows a 4.0 scale with +/- grades. We currently have no permanent S/U options beyond specific courses (like an internship). Previous COVID semesters allowed for S/U grading in almost all undergraduate courses, so you are likely to see non-GPA impacting S+, S, and U options.

    At the discretion of the instructor, a temporary grade of Incomplete ("I") may be given if the student demonstrates that they cannot complete the requirements of the course. Students must have a passing grade in the course at the time that an Incomplete is requested unless the instructor determines that there are extenuating circumstances to assign an Incomplete.

    Your advisee should NOT register for the course a second time. They need to work with the instructor on completing the coursework, and the instructor will submit the grade change request to the Office of the Registrar.

    The grade change must be signed and submitted by the Grade Deadline one year after the Incomplete Term (students have one calendar year to change the grade). Incompletes will roll over to an F if the grade change is not submitted.

    Faculty must submit grades via the Web to the Office of the Registrar by 5 pm of the third working day after the end of finals week of the semester in which the course was offered. Grade changes or corrections must be submitted within the first six weeks of the following term, and must be signed by the instructor and the department chair/school director. This six-week deadline does not apply to Incomplete grades needing to change.

    The Grade Replacement Policy applies to undergraduate 国产AV courses that are letter-graded (A-F). The courses must be the same (prefix and number) and both courses must be taken at 国产AV. The course must not be designated repeatable for credit in the current catalog. Pass/Fail (S/U) grades are excluded.

    To use grade replacement, the student must submit a Grade Replacement Application to the Office of the Registrar no later than the drop deadline of courses being repeated.

    The most recent letter grade (A-F) attained for a course repeated under grade replacement will count toward the cumulative GPA, even if the most recent grade is lower than the grade being replaced.

    Also to count for enrollment for aid, students can take a previously passed course one additional time and have it count for aid enrollment

    国产AV courses without a repeatability designation in the course description can be taken multiple times, but hours will only be awarded for one passed completion. The highest grade among courses that count for credit will be available for use toward graduation requirements.

    Note: all completions of a course are recorded and stay on the transcript--even if a student does Grade Replacement, Repeats, or has Fresh Start. Courses withdrawn after the drop deadline will also appear on the transcript.

  • Honors and McNair Programs

    Advisors should be aware of Honors and McNair for advisees seeking intellectual challenge or graduate school goals.

    University Honors Program

    The Priority Deadline is April each year. 

    • Students applying for Honors Interdisciplinary Program are NOT required to have a specific GPA nor specific test scores.  Students are accepted based on holistic admissions criteria, with preference given to students who have demonstrated intellectual curiosity and who are motivated to learn deeply and to develop critical and creative thinking skills. 
    • Students with more than 45 credit hours, whether transfer students or current 国产AV students, may apply directly for the Upper Division Honors Program. 

    Provides eligible college students with effective preparation for doctoral study through research and scholarly activities, summer internships, seminars and workshops, mentoring, and assistance with graduate school admission processes. As a member of the federal TRIO family of programs, the McNair Scholars Program is dedicated to increasing access to doctoral education among currently underrepresented groups.

    Program Eligibility

    • Juniors and seniors with a 3.0 or higher GPA.
    • First-generation/low-income and/or members of populations underrepresented in graduate education.
    • Committed to completing a doctoral degree.

    Applications are available in the spring; the deadline for applying is ~March 1.

  • Placements and Prior Credits

    Advisors may need to reference a few policies related to course placement exams and prior credits, including transfer work.

    Upon a student鈥檚 admission to the University official transcripts for undergraduate students are routed to the Office of the Registrar for evaluation. Transfer courses may be awarded direct equivalency to 国产AV courses at the discretion of the related academic unit at 国产AV.

    A maximum of 90 transferred semester credits may be used toward completion of a 国产AV degree; a minimum of 120 hours is required for graduation. Courses with a letter grade of 鈥淐-鈥 or higher are eligible for transfer. Remedial courses and vocational/technical courses are not eligible for transfer. Associate of Applied Science (AAS) and Associate of General Studies (AGS) degrees are not transferable to 国产AV. Individual courses taken as part of an AAS or AGS degree will be evaluated for possible credit on a course-by-course basis after the student is admitted.

    Students who have successfully completed college coursework from a regionally accredited institution while in high school must submit an official transcript from the college/university to transfer credit. College credit completed while in high school may count toward 国产AV degree requirements but cannot be used to classify a student as a transfer student for admission and/or transfer scholarship eligibility purposes.

    Other Prior Learning

    The University of Northern Colorado accepts transfer credit for qualifying scores on Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), The Cambridge Assessment International Education (AICE) examination, portfolio review, and through Challenge/Proficiency Exams.

    国产AV also accepts credit through the Joint Services Transcript (JST) for courses completed at U.S. Military schools according to recommendations from the American Council on Education and through the Teacher Cadet Program.

    In accordance with , students may request a challenge exam in lieu of an LAC course. Students interested in challenging a Liberal Arts Curriculum course should contact the appropriate program to inquire about the process. 

    Language Placements

    Students can take placements for language courses.

    Chinese, French, German, and Spanish have an online test. Japanese and American Sign Language are evaluations with the department. 

    A student may receive prior learning credits provided a grade of 鈥淏鈥 (3.0) or higher is earned in the student鈥檚 first 国产AV course above the 101 level in a particular language (ASL, Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish).

    The host college will complete a Prior Learning Credit petition through OnBase after your advisee receives a 鈥楤鈥 or higher grade in order to be awarded the prior learning credits. For ASL, please send the information to Kate. For World Languages, please send information to hss.studentsuccess.

    *Note: SPAN 305 is not eligible as a Prior Learning Credit Course.

    Math Placement

    The University of Northern Colorado requires that students complete an assessment to determine readiness for mathematics and statistics courses though some students are exempt from this requirement. 

    Students can retake the assessment for a higher score if needed. You can view their ALEKS through Slate for NSR, in SOATEST, and in Navigate under Course Information (at the bottom).

    *Students can register for Stat 150 without the ALEKS this year (2021/2022), but we are encouraging students to take it to make sure they are ready otherwise, they should take it with Stat 149 once it's on the schedule.

    Written Communication Placement

    The Liberal Arts Curriculum at 国产AV requires 6 credit hours in Written Communication. To complete this requirement, there are three options for students:

    • OPTION A: Introductory Composition (with co-requisite support course) + Intermediate Composition
    • OPTION B: Introductory Composition + Intermediate Composition
    • OPTION C: Intermediate Composition + Advanced Composition

    For New Student Registration, Dr. Wood provides the Option A (ENG 122/132) recommendation in Slate. For continuing students who did not register for ENG during New Student Registration, the information may available in SOATEST.

  • Registration Policies

    Advisors should be experts in , particularly those related to their college and majors.

    • You will receive program-level training from your unit supervisor. Your responsibility is to know the class sequencing, prerequisites, and weird little details of your advising programs.
    • You can view 4-Year Plans which can be helpful but be aware that students can feel pressure and panic if their track doesn't align perfectly with the outlined plan.
    • Remember to use the , your colleagues, and the Department when you have questions.
      • You need to look up program information in the catalog year that corresponds with your student. University Policy information follows the current catalog.

    Advisors may need to refer to university-wide policies for registration:


    Holds are placed on student account on the Tuesday after the Drop Deadline each semester. The most common Holds are Bursar-related, Academic Standing, and Student-Athlete. NOTE: BearPay is not a registration hold; it means the student is signed up for BearPay (tuition installments).

    Colorado State law requires all University students born after January 1, 1957, to submit proof of two MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccines. Students must submit immunization records prior to registering for classes at 国产AV. Students who fail to comply with this requirement will not be allowed to register.

    The course drop and withdrawal deadlines are strictly enforced. Any request for an exception to these deadlines must be submitted using the Registration Appeal Form. This appeal applies only to current semester registrations and must be filed in the Office of the Registrar prior to the end of the current semester. The student should include a written statement describing the circumstances and reasons for the appeal and any required documentation.

    A retroactive withdrawal appeal may be necessary when a student experienced extenuating circumstances, or an incident of such trauma and major proportions, that a student could not have reasonably been expected to possess the normal capabilities necessary to complete the academic period satisfactorily or complete a University withdrawal.

    国产AV will assist any student called to active military duty with reasonable accommodations to ensure the best possible transition to and from 国产AV. Depending on when during the semester the student is called to active military duty, different options may be available including university withdrawal, late withdrawal, late drops, or .

    Students are encouraged to work with the School Certifying Officials (SCOs) located in the Office of the Registrar in Bear Central at Campus Commons as a primary point of contact. SCOs can help students explore the options available to them. Contact email for the SCO鈥檚 is va.sco@unco.edu

Black font on a white background reads Practice and Campus Topics. Gold lines accent the corners.

Click the Topic for Information

  • Advising Technologies

    Advisors need to demonstrate technological competency as outlined by NACADA. 国产AV advisors should know how to leverage:

    Degree Works

    Degree Works is a web-based tool used to monitor academic progress toward degree completion. It combines 国产AV鈥檚 degree requirements and the coursework that have been completed with easy-to-read worksheets. Degree Works also has a new Degree Planner Feature, which you can .

    EAB Navigate

    Navigate is a web-based tool from the  (EAB) to help coordinate, target, and report on advising and other student services on the 国产AV campus.  Advisors should refer to Navigate to review student categories, holds, course history, and past appointments. Advisors can use Navigate to schedule appointments and should always record interactions as Reports or Notes.

    *Students on P1 for Academic Probation will receive an ASW Note when they have completed the required workshop.

    Advisors need to help students calculate and predict their GPA outcomes for probation, for graduate school, for some majors, and for their personal goals. 

    explaining our GPA Calculator Tool.

    Other Key Tools

    Advisors need to use Office 365, Banner, Cisco VPN, Insight, LinkedIn Learning, OnBase, Qualtrics, and Zoom in their practice. 

    Access, help guides, and learning on those applications are available through IM&T or great videos on YouTube and LinkedIn Learning.

  • Canvas

    The Canvas Learning Management System can be used to deliver instructional content, collaborate and communicate online, track and assess student work, as well as facilitate course administration.

    Students (especially new students) can complete the Student Tutorial to get comfortable with Canvas. Advisor might consider hosting workshops about Canvas in their success series or content.

  • Extended Campus

    Our programs serve students throughout the entire state (and the world), with new States, coming online soon.  The University of Northern Colorado Extended Campus maintains two off-campus centers in Loveland and Denver to facilitate student educational programs and certifications in various other cities.

    There are seven Bachelor Degrees offered:

    • ASL
    • Communication
    • Dietetics
    • Nursing (x2 paths)
    • Psychology
    • Sociology

    Undergraduate students in Extended Campus distance education programs may wish to take Liberal Arts Curriculum and/or elective course(s) that are not offered via Extended Campus in a specific term. Undergraduate students in Extended Campus distance education programs wishing to acquire a seat through this process must contact the Extended Campus Program Services Coordinator at extended@unco.edu or at 970-351-2944 in advance of the course(s) add deadline to ensure adequate time for processing. 

  • Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs

    The Office of Financial Aid administers and distributes aid in the form of grants, scholarship, employment and loans to help students (families) meet college costs (tuition, fees, books, room, board and transportation).

    国产AV uses the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to initiate this process. With completion of the FAFSA, 国产AV will consider a student to have applied for all federal, state and institutional need-based aid programs. The FAFSA form is available on-line at . To receive the maximum amount of funding, the application must be completed by March 1 prior to each award year.

    鈥 referred to as COF 鈥 is the way Colorado provides financial support for resident undergraduate students. Students must also complete a one-time online application at  and must authorize payment of the COF stipend to 国产AV during the registration process through their Ursa account.

    SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards)

    Undergraduate students must maintain a 2.0 GPA, complete 67% of attempted hours, and complete the degree before 180 attempted credits.

    Refer students to OFA to talk about their aid and records. 

    Being Ineligible for Aid does not prohibit enrollment at 国产AV, but students are responsible for all charges incurred. Being Ineligible for Aid remains in effect unless removed by the Appeals Committee via SAP Appeal.

    Work Study/Student Employment

    One popular source of financial aid is student employment. Student employment includes federal and state need-based work-study programs, no-need state work-study programs and student-hourly employment, which is available to any student enrolled at least half time, regardless of their financial aid eligibility.

    Refer students to the Employee Handbook and make sure they know they cannot be schedule to work during their class times on campus.


    国产AV offers a variety of scholarships to help pay for the cost of education. The application is available through  on the 鈥淔inancial Aid鈥 tab. 

    They can also check out the scholarship databases maintained through OFA.

    Reisher Scholars Program

    The scholarship program is designed to replace student loans for qualified recipients who show promise of making a future contribution to the community through service, leadership, work or unique experiences. The Reisher Scholars Program awards scholarships to Colorado students based upon demonstrated financial need and academic merit. 

    Stryker Scholarship

    The Stryker Institute for Leadership Development Scholarship is a participation-based scholarship opportunity for full-time enrolled, degree-seeking, women from underrepresented groups at the University of Northern Colorado. 

  • Graduate School Applications

    Students interested in graduate school have several resources and pathways that you need to show them.

    All 4+1 programs require students to submit an application for admission to the accelerated master鈥檚 program when they have:

    • junior or senior standing,
    • 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA and,
    • have applied for and been officially accepted in to a 国产AV graduate program.

    Upon admission to the graduate program, the undergraduate student works with a graduate advisor to identify up to nine (9) credit hours at the 500 level in the graduate program to which the student was admitted.

    Center for Career Readiness

    Center for Career Readiness staff can help you look for, research, and apply to graduate programs. You can help students prep for their Career Readiness Appointment by asking them:

    • What is important in a graduate school experience? Size, location, culture
    • How to draft and review a personal statement
    • How to fund graduate school including teaching or research opportunities

    The Writing Center

    The 国产AV Writing Center provides one-on-one sessions for students at any level to improve specific projects and become better all-around writers. They can help your students with their personal essays, scholarship applications, and writing samples for graduate school.

    Otherwise, know the types of graduate schools and advanced degree pathways for your majors and disciplines you advise. And connect your students with faculty mentors to help them learn more about the experience in their field.

  • Onboarding New Advisors

    University policy entitles each student to academic advising. Advising expedites course selection and helps the student create an academic program suited to their needs and the University鈥檚 graduation requirements.

    New advisors complete the advising training course, hosted through Canvas, with the guidance of their supervisors.

    Help your new advisors with the

  • Progress Reporting

    Student Academic Success requests early performance feedback from faculty through our Progress Reporting System (managed by AVP of Student Success, Stephanie Torrez). The list of students typically contains those in high DFW rate courses, those with low GPA, and first-year students; however, each college advising center determines who to include and may capture additional factors. This is a primary responsibility of your director.

    Students are notified via BearMail that we are collecting progress reports from professors. Once you receive the feedback, you reach out via BearMail or listed phone number directly to the student for a check-in and appointment. Depending on those outcomes, you will refer students to relevant campus resources, including DOS.

    Potential Message Template for Students:

    Dear student:

    I hope that your semester is going well and you have found a rhythm with classes, studying, perhaps work, and any extracurriculars you may be involved with. I鈥檓 writing to let you know that in the coming weeks a Progress Report request will be sent to your instructors from 国产AV鈥檚 Student Academic Success division. Any information provided by your instructors about your progress in their class remains confidential and will only be seen by me.

    Progress Reports are typically sent out based on our historical data that suggests students in certain majors, courses, and/or with specific GPAs could benefit from additional information about their academic progress and their options for support. Depending on the information in the report (provided by your instructor), I may reach out to you again to see how I may be of help.

    You don鈥檛 need to do anything (except continue to be the best student you can be!). I wish you success as you continue through the semester. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    You pull the feedback for your Progress Report through EAB Navigate. Click on:

    1. Reports--> Intervention Reports--> Progress Reports
    2. Filter by Date and Student List as applicable. You may want to check "Marked At-Risk Only" to filter for students with high need.
    3. Select Search and review the advisees with appropriate follow-up.
  • Probation Advising

    If you are a primary probation advisor for your college, you should complete the full Probation Practice Page in the Undergraduate Advising Training Shell.

    Academic Probation means a student has a GPA less than 2.0 (1.99 and below). This student has 24 probationary credits to raise that GPA, and YOU are integral in their success. 

    Look for a note in the Navigate History about the Academic Success Workshop to confirmation that the P1 student completed it. Students in CHE complete a workshop with Flora's team, typically in the first weeks of the semester. Look for a Probation Advising report from Flora for more details.

    Familiarize yourself with two pages:

    Academic Probation Advising on the Hub 

    Student-Facing Probation Support

  • Student Services

    Student Support and Services | Student Affairs

    国产AV supports many services for students. As an advisor, you need to take time to familiarize yourself with the support outlined by the Division of Student Affairs, as well as niche support within your colleges. 

    You can also consider establishing your own success workshops, series, and support programs within your advising centers.

  • Study Abroad and International Education (CIE)

    The Office of Global Engagement (OGE) provides the umbrella framework for all international activities at the University of Northern Colorado, building connections between 国产AV鈥檚 greater community and the world.  They also serve as 国产AV's official liaison to U.S. government agencies related to immigration matters, International Student & Scholar Services supports students, scholars, and dependents in F or J visa categories in maintaining their legal status while in the United States.

    国产AV students participating in any education abroad programming must apply via the 国产AV Global study abroad portal on the 国产AV Education Abroad page.

    Transfer credits: 国产AV Office of the Registrar makes final determinations regarding the credit transfer eligibility of all academic credit earned at a foreign institution and or/via participation in the education program.  /registrar/transfer/

    国产AV students participating in education abroad opportunities are eligible to use institutional financial aid toward approved education abroad programs. For additional financial aid information, see /financial-aid/  

    IEP serves as a pathway for non-native English speakers to enhance academic preparedness as well as linguistic and cultural competencies required for career readiness or full admission to 国产AV's academic programs at all levels. 

    IEP offers five 8-week sessions throughout the year in accordance with 国产AV's academic calendar: Fall 1 and Fall 2 sessions coincide with 国产AV's fall semester, Spring 1 and Spring 2 sessions coincide with spring semester, and the 8-week summer session coincides with the 8-week academic session. In accordance with rolling admission, applicants may choose to begin in any of the 5 sessions.