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Provost Awards for Travel (PAT) Recipients

PAT awards are intended to support the cost of travel to present, perform or exhibit scholarly or creative works, or to assist with the cost of travel for invited presentations.

Winter 2020

Allen, Michael Todd – EBS, Psychological Sciences; International Stress and Behavior Society

Bailey, Stacy – HSS, English; College English Association conference

Barton, Karen – HSS, Geography, GIS, and Sustainability; International Symposium on Society and Resource Management

Bovaird-Abbo, Kristin – HSS, English; 55th International Congress on Medieval Studies

Chaloupka, Jan – NHS, Physics & Astronomy; High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress

Cornish, Sarah – HSS, English; FiMA2: Feminist Revolutions (Feminist inter/Modernist Association Biennial Conference)

Dahlke, Andrew – PVA, Music; North American Saxophone Alliance Biennial National Conference

Elwood, Paul – PVA, Music; Katowice (Poland) JazzArt Festival

Evans, Mary – HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice; Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

Franklin, Elizabeth – HSS, Hispanic Studies; TESOL 2020 International Conference

Fulcher, Lindsay - PVA, Music; American String Teachers Association National Conference

Harris, Christopher – NHS, Mathematical Sciences; World Wide Web (WWW) Conference Workshops

Henderson, Angie – HSS, Sociology; Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference

Lee, Jieun – HSS, Geography, GIS, and Sustainability; 50th Annual Conference of Urban Affairs Association

Leffler, Jennifer - University Libraries; NASIG Annual Conference

McNally, Gillian – PVA, Theatre and Dance; International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network

Melish, Jacob – HSS, History; Berkshire Conference on Women, Genders, and Sexuality

Montemayor, Mark – PVA, Music; American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting

Paek, Suehyeon – EBS, Psychological Sciences; American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting

Parrish, Jennifer – NHS, Science Education; National Association for Research in Science Teaching International Conference

Ritchotte, Jennifer – EBS, Special Education; DISES 2020 International Conference, "Envisioning the Future: An Inclusive Society for All"

Romulo, Chelsie – HSS, Geography, GIS, and Sustainability; Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Annual Conference

Softas-Nall, Basilia – EBS, Applied Psychology and Counselor Education; Counseling Psychology Conference 2020

Tsai, Chia-Lin – EBS, Applied Statistics and Research Methods; American Educational Research Association Annual Conference

Ward, Kyle – HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice; Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting

Williams, Gregory – HSS, Political Science; Annual Meeting, International Studies Association

Zaghlawan, Hasan - EBS Special Education; DISES 2020 International Conference, "Envisioning the Future: An Inclusive Society for All"

Fall 2019

Applegate, Erik - PVA, Music: Performances at the Jazz Education Network International Conference 2020, New Orleans, Louisiana

Babiak, Miranda - NHS, Communication Sciences & Disorders: American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, Florida

Baird, Graham - NHS, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences: 2019 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona

Brentnell, Lauren - HSS, English: Feminisms and Rhetoric Conference, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Casey, Brian - PVA, Music: College Music Society National Conference, Louisville, Kentucky

Cieminski, Amie - EBS, Leadership, Policy & Development: Higher Education: Annual Conference of University Council of Educational Administration and 24th Annual Conference of Consortium for the Study of Leadership and Ethics in Education, New Orleans, Louisiana

Cornish, Sarah - HSS, English: Modernist Studies Association Annual Conference

Modernist Studies Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario

Creekmore, Andrew - HSS, Anthropology: American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, San Diego, California

Evans, Mary - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California

Garza, Efrain - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Association Convention, El Paso, Texas

Graefe, Amy - EBS, Special Education: National Association for Gifted Children 66th Annual Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Harris, Christopher - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: IEEE 4th International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security, Nusa Dua, Indonesia

Hulac, David - EBS, School Psychology: 2019 Colorado Society of School Psychologists Annual Fall Conference, Vail, Colorado

Ku, Heng-yu - EBS, Teacher Education: Association of Educational Communications and Technology International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada

Kuehn, Charles - NHS, Physics & Astronomy: 235th American Astronomical Society Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii

Kyle, Britney - HSS, Anthropology: Western Bioarchaeology Group Conference, Denver, Colorado

Lalonde, Trent - EBS, Applied Statistics and Research Methods: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Landry, Dana - PVA, Music: Lincoln Center Performance, New York City, New York

Low, Michelle - HSS, Modern Languages: Hawaii International Conference on Chinese Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii

Melloy, Kristine - EBS, Special Education: University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) 2019 Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana

Murza, Kimberly - NHS, Communication Sciences & Disorders: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida

Nelson, Kyle - HSS, Sociology: Sociologists for Women in Society Winter Meeting, San Diego, California

Newman, Harmony - HSS, Anthropology: Sociologists for Women in Society, San Diego, California

Pullen, Nicholas - NHS, Biological Sciences: 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Leukocyte Biology: Tissue Specific Immunity: Translating Our Discoveries, Boston, Massachusetts

Romero, Deborah - EBS, Teacher Education: International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Seville, Spain

Sundeen, Todd - EBS, Special Education: American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES), San Antonio, Texas

Terranova, Victoria - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: American Society of Criminology - Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California

Toewe, Anne - PVA, Theatre Arts and Dance: Annual International Conference of Dress Historians, London, England

Ward, Kyle - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California

Wieben, Corinne - HSS, History: American Historical Association 134th Annual Meeting, New York City, New York

Zaremba, Drew - PVA, Music: Jazz Education Network Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana

Spring 2019

Allen, Michael Todd - EBS, Psychological Sciences: International Stress and Behavior Society (ISBS) conference

Barton, Karen - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: Invited presentation on West Africa at First Colloquium on African Studies in Mexico City

Berg, Margaret - EBS, Teacher Education: 15th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (QI2019)

Bowen, Sandy - EBS, Special Education: Deaf Children Now: Changing the Conversation

Casey, Brian - PVA, Music: International Society of Bassists 2019 Convention

Cieminski, Amie - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL)

DeKrey, Gregory - NHS, Biological Sciences: Immunology 2019 - Member society: American Association of Immunologists

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: 2nd JNMP Conference on Nonlinear Mathematical Physics: 2019

Einhellig, Katrina - NHS, Nursing: Sigma Theta Tau International Research Congress

French, Joseph - MCB, Finance: African Finance Association conference

Graefe, Amy - EBS, Special Education: World Council for Gifted & Talented Children World Conference

Harris, Christopher - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Huang, Jingzi - EBS, Teacher Education: 26th International Conference on Learning

Hummel, Faye - NHS, Nursing: Sigma Theta Tau International Research Conference

Krawitz, Justin - PVA, Music: 41st International Conference on the European Piano Teachers Association

Leek, Cliff - HSS, Sociology: American Men's Studies Association Annual Conference - "AT the Boundaries of Ourselves: Masculinities & Decoloniality"

Malde, Melissa - PVA, Music: Andover Educators biennial international conference

McNeill, Jeanette - NHS, Nursing: Sigma Theta Tau International Research Congress

Monson, Jane - UL, University Libraries: Digital Initiatives Symposium

Montemayor, Mark - PVA, Music: 8th Biennial Colloquium for Teachers of Instrumental Music Methods

Murza, Kim - NHS, Audiology & Speech-Language Sciences: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2019 Schools Connect Conference

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 4th International Workshop on Sound Change

Terranova, Victoria - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: Pi-Con: A National Pretrial Conference by the Pretrial Justice Institute

Trembach, Stanislav - UL, University Libraries: American Library Association's 2019 Annual Conference

Ward, Kyle - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: Pi-Con: A National Pretrial Conference by the Pretrial Justice Institute

Woody, William - EBS, Psychological Sciences: American Psychological Association Convention 2019

Winter 2019

Bailey, Stacy - HSS, English: CEA Annual Conference

Boyle, Antares - PVA, Music: Again and Again: Musical Repetition in Aesthetics, Analysis and Experience

Correa-Torres, Silvia - EBS, Special Education: The American Education Research Association (AFRA) Annual Meeting

Creekmore, Andrew - HSS, Anthropology: Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting

Cropp, Simon - HSS, English: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2019

Duncan, Whitney - HSS, Anthropology: Society for Applied Anthropology's 79th Meeting (SfAAs)

Elwood, Paul - PVA, Music: Concert performance; premiere of a new composition for mezzo soprano and violin

Farber, Matthew - EBS, Teacher Education: 2019 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting

Glen, Nancy - PVA, Music: 2019 Desert Skies Symposium on Music Education

Hamilton, Marian - HSS, Anthropology: American Association of Physical Anthropology annual meeting

Henderson, Angie - HSS, Sociology: Institute to Address Commercial Sexual Exploitation's 2nd annual Symposium

Kyle, Britney - HSS, Anthropology: American Association of Physical Anthropologists meetings

Lanzilotti, Anne - PVA, Music: Presentation, Masterclass, and Performance at Oberlin Conservatory

Li, Amy - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: Association for Education finance and Policy - Annual Conference

Mayer, Jen - UL, University Libraries: ACRL Conference

Montemayor, Mark - PVA, Music: Clifford K. Madsen International Symposium on Research in Music Behavior, 23rd meeting

Muller, Heidi - HSS, Communication: International Communication Conference Association Conference

Peterson, Lori - EBS, Special Education: Courage to Risk Conference

Phillips, Kristina - EBS, Psychological Sciences: 26th Harm Reduction International Conference

Romero, Deborah - EBS, Teacher Education: American Educational Research Association Annual Conference

Sedinger, Tracey - HSS, English: Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting

Skousen, Jacob - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2019 Conference Paper Presentation

Sundeen, Todd - EBS, Special Education: American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES)

Svedlow, Andrew - PVA, Art & Design: Creative and Compassionate Leadership

Williams, Mia - EBS, Teacher Education: American Educational research Association Annual Meeting 2019

Spring 2018

Allen, Michael - EBS, Psychological Sciences: International Behavior Neuroscience Society

Applegate, Erik - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Jazz Faculty Quartet workshop at Contemporary Music Academy

Banerjee, Rashida - EBS, Special Education: 2018 DISES International Conference

Barton, Karen - NHS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: 4th International Symposium of the Dakar Institute of African Studies

Boyce, Travis - HSS, Africana Studies: Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand (POPCAANZ), 9th Annual International Conference

Burgett, Jill - PVA, Music: Chamber Choir European Performance Tour

Cieminski, Amie - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership

Duncan, Whitney - HSS, Anthropology: Invited Book Talk: Mental Health and Cultural Change in Oaxaca

Dunn, Thom - EBS, Psychological Sciences: Association of Psychological Sciences 30th Annual Convention

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: AIMS 2018: 12th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications

Endres, Thomas - HSS, Communication: European Conference on Media, Communications, and Film/European Conference on Arts and Humanities

Farber, Matthew - EBS, Teacher Education: Games for Change Festival

Farber, Matthew - EBS, Teacher Education: International Society for Technology in Education Conference

Glen, Nancy - PVA, Music: 18th Annual Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations

Granrud, Carl - EBS, Psychological Sciences: European Conference on Visual Perception

Hall, James - PVA, Music: Recitals and Master Class in South Africa

Harraf, Abe - MCB, Management: 40th International Academic Conference

Harris, Christopher - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Challenges in HCI in Agriculture

Hess, Robyn - EBS, School Psychology: International School Psychology Association

ess, Robyn - EBS, School Psychology: American Psychological Association

Hilsabeck, Burke - HSS, English: Film-Philosophy Annual Conference

Hodgin, Katie - NHS, Sport & Exercise Science: 2018 AIESEP World Congress

Hoyt, William - NHS, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences: Resources for Future Generations 2018: Energy, Minerals, Water, the Earth

Hulac, David - EBS, School Psychology: Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association

Jackson, Lewis - EBS, Special Education: International Inclusive Education Conference 2018

Kauffman, Deborah - PVA, Music: 16th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music

Kimball, Michael - HSS, Anthropology: XXIII International Conference Society for Human Ecology

Kovalcheck, Steve - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Jazz Faculty Quartet Workshop at Contemporary Music Academy

Krawitz, Justin - PVA, Music: Guest Artist Residencies: EPTA Czech Republic Annual Piano Seminar and DIT Conservatory of Music and Dance

Kyle, Britney - HSS, Anthropology: European Archaeological Association Meeting

Lahman, Maria - EBS, Applied Statistics & Research Methods: International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry

Landry, Dana - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Jazz Faculty Quartet Workshop at Contemporary Music Academy

Lanzilotti, Anne - PVA, Music: 2018 American Viola Society Festival

Levin, Oscar - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: Workshop on Computability Theory and its Application

Li, Amy - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: American Educational Research Association Conference

McMullen, Jaimie - NHS, Sport & Exercise Science: 2018 International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education World Congress

Paek, Sue Hyeon - EBS, Psychological Sciences: American Psychological Association

Phillips, Kristina - EBS, Psychological Sciences: College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Conference

Phillips, Michael - EBS, Psychological Sciences: American Psychological Association

Romero de la Torre, Aldo - EBS, Cumbres: Teacher Candidates Leading for Change: Transformative Leadership Practices for Students and Communities

Romero de la Torre, Deborah - EBS, Teacher Education: Teacher Candidates Leading for Change: Transformative Leadership Practices for Students and Communities

Romulo, Chelsie - NHS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: Latin America and Caribbean Congress of Conservation Biology

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 11th Annual International Conference on Languages and Linguistics

Seegel, Steven - HSS, History: 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers

Soltwisch, Brandon - MCB, Management: MIC 2018 Management International Conference

White, Jim - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Jazz Quartet Workshops at Contemporary Music Academy

Williams, Mia - EBS, Teacher Education: International Society for Technology in Education Conference

Wright, Steven - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Psychological Association Convention

Winter 2018

Alcantar, Jonathan - HSS, Hispanic Studies: National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies XLV:  The Queer Turn, Minneapolis, MN

Allen, Michael Todd - EBS, Psychological Sciences: Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL

Baird, Graham - NHS, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences: 2018 Northeast Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Burlington, VT

Bardos, Achilles - EBS, School Psychology: 6th Panhellenic Conference of Developmental Psychology, Thessaloniki, Greece

Benedict, Lauryn - NHS, Biological Sciences: 2018 American Ornithological Society Conference, Tucson, AZ

Brannon, Daniel - MCB, Marketing: Western Decision Sciences Institute 2018, Kauai, HI

Burgett, Jill - PVA, Music: SWACDA Southwest American Choral Directors National Conference, Oklahoma City, OK

Faganel, Gal - PVA, Music: Adjudication of the Slovenian National Competition for Young Musicians, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Finan, Donald - NHS, Audiology & Speech-Language Sciences: National Hearing Conservation Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL

Fulcher, Lindsay - PVA, Music: American String Teachers Association National Conference, Atlanta, GA

Garza, Efrain - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 2018 KFLC:  "The Language, Literatures, and Cultures Conference", Lexington, KY

Glen, Nancy - PVA, Music: 2018 NAfME Research and Teacher Education National Conference, Atlanta, GA

Harraf, Abe - MCB, Management: 39th International Academic Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Henderson, Angie - HSS, Sociology: American Men's Studies Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN

Hodgin, Katie - NHS, Sport & Exercise Science: 2018 Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA

Iyer, Vish - MCB, Marketing: Western Decision Sciences Institute, Kauai, HI

James, Andrea - NHS, Biological Sciences: Annual Meeting for the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Honolulu, HI

Kallon, Kelfala - HSS, Economics: 85th International Atlantic Economic Conference, London, UK

Kraver, Jeraldine - HSS, English: College English Association (CEA) Conference, St. Petersburg, FL

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Teacher Education: American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York City, NY

Kyle, Britney - HSS, Anthropology: American Association of Physical Anthropologists Meetings, Austin, TX

Lanzilotti, Anne - PVA, Music: Australia Recruitment Trip, Melbourne and Brisbane, Australia

Liu, Jiacheng - HSS, History: The 2018 International Conference on Chinese Oral and Performing Literature, Washington, DC

Martin, Michael - MCB, Finance: Love in the Workplace and the #MeToo Movement:  A Legal Quagmire at the IGBR Conference, New Orleans, LA

Mayer, Jennifer - UL, University Libraries: Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students Conference, Kennesaw, GA

Montemayor, Mark - PVA, Music: National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Music Research and Teacher Education National Conference, Atlanta, GA

Oravitz, Michael - PVA, Music: "Claude Debussy in 2018:  A Centenary Celebration, Manchester, England and Glasgow, Scotland

Packard, Josh - HSS, Sociology: Great Ideas Conference, Colorado Springs, CO

Pugh, Kevin - EBS, Psychological Sciences: American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY

Reardon, James - MCB, Marketing: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development 2018 Conference, Valencia, Spain

Romano, Sarah - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: American Association of Geographers Conference, New Orleans, LA

Salo, Jessica - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: United States International Association of Landscape Ecology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL

Sauble-Otto, Lorie - HSS, Modern Languages: Women in French International Conference 2018, Tallahassee, FL

Skousen, Jacob - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: Global Conference on Education and Research, Las Vegas, NV

Soltwisch, Brandon - MCB, Management: Western Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Kauai, HI

Thomas, George - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 2018 Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congress, Barcelona, Spain

Ward, Kyle - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Weiler, Spencer - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: National Education Finance Academy's Annual Conference, Tulsa, OK

Welsh, Marilyn - EBS, Psychological Sciences: International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC

Weng, Lei - PVA, Music: Piano recital, masterclass, keynote speaking and presentation in Taiwan, China and Korea, Taiwan, China and Korea

Wiegand, Stephanie - UL, University Libraries: Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students Conference, Kennesaw, GA

Yakaboski, Tamara - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: NASPA International Symposium, Philadelphia, PA

Fall 2017

Alvarez, Euridice - PVA, Music: Vortex, the ¹ú²úAV Faculty Wind Quintet in Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand

Applegate, Erik - PVA, Music: Lectures, Masterclasses and Performances in Utah, Logan and Salt Lake City, Utah

Bailey, Stacy - HSS, English: NCTE Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA

Barton, Karen - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: The Annual Africa Conference, Austin, Texas

Cardona, Betty - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Counseling Association Annual Convention 2017, San Francisco, CA

Dahlke, Andrew - PVA, Music: Performances and Teaching Residency at the University of Northern Iowa - Educational Exchange and Recruitment, Cedar Falls, Iowa

Faganel, Gal - PVA, Music: Days of Macedonian Music, University of Ljubjana Guest Artist Recital and Master Class, Skopje, Macedonia, Ljubljana and Slovenia

French, Joseph - MCB, Finance: Portsmouth-Fordham Conference on Banking and Finance, Portsmouth, England

Fulks, Jubal - PVA, Music: Series of Lecture/Demonstrations on Baroque Performance Practice; Public Recital, Bangkok, Thailand

Gould, Susan - NHS, Nutrition & Dietetics: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) 2016, Boston, MA

Hall, James - PVA, Music: Vortex, the ¹ú²úAV Faculty Wind Quintet in Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand

Hesse, Marian - PVA, Music: Vortex, the ¹ú²úAV Faculty Wind Quintet in Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand

Hulac, David - EBS, School Psychology: Annual Conference of the Colorado Society of School Psychologists (CSSP), Vail, CO

Jacobson, Lauren - PVA, Music: Vortex, the ¹ú²úAV Faculty Wind Quintet in Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand

Karlin, Nancy - EBS, Psychological Sciences: Gerontological Society of America's Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA

Kovalcheck, Steve - PVA, Music: Lectures, Masterclasses and Performances in Utah, Logan and Salt Lake City, Utah

Kraver, Jeraldine - HSS, English: NCTE Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA

Krawitz, Justin - PVA, Music: Keynote Address and Master Classes in the Netherlands, Zwolle and Utrecht, The Netherlands

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Teacher Education: The Association for Educational Communications and Technology International Conference, Las Vegas, NV

Kyle, Britney - HSS, Anthropology: Western Bioarchaeology Group Conference, Sonoma, CA

Lightfoot, Jay - MCB, Accounting & CIS: 27th Annual Conference of the International Information Management Association, Taipei, Taiwan

Martin, Michael - MCB, Finance: Allied Business Academies International Conference, Las Vegas, NV

McCorkle, Denny - MCB, Marketing: Marketing Edge Research Summit and DMA Annual Marketing Conference, Los Angeles, CA

Packard, Josh - HSS, Sociology: Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology Annual Meetings, Denver, CO

Sharp, Teresa - NHS, Community Health Education: 6th International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society, Washington, DC

Sundeen, Todd - EBS, Special Education: Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, Lexington, KY

Syrett, Nicholas - HSS, History: Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians, New Orleans, LA

Tomlin, T.J. - HSS, History: The 2016 Conference on Faith and History, Virginia Beach, VA

Ward, Kyle - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Zia, Ather - HSS, Anthropology: Exploring the Articulations and Reformulations of "Azadi" in Kashmir & Cultures of Protest:  HCU, JNU and Beyond, Madison, WI

Spring 2017

Creekmore, Andrew - HSS, Anthropology: American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas

Banerjee, Rashida - EBS, Special Education: 15th Biennial International Association of Special Education (IASE) Conference, Perth, Australia

Brannon, Daniel - MCB, Marketing: Frontiers in Service, New York, NY

Brewer, Robin - EBS, Special Education: Council for Exceptional Children Annual Expo and Convention (CEC), Boston, MA

DeKrey, Gregory - NHS, Biological Sciences: Experimental Biological Sciences 2017 - Member Society:  American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Chicago, IL

Duncan, Whitney - HSS, Anthropology: Society for Psychological Anthropology 2017 Biennial Meetings, New Orleans, LA

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: The Tenth IMACS International Conference in Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, Athens, GA

Epperson, Annie - UL, University Libraries: Association of College & Research Libraries Conference, Baltimore, MD

Harraf, Abe - MCB, Management: 2nd World Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Istanbul, Turkey

Henderson, Angie - HSS, Sociology: Pacific Sociological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

Hulac, David - EBS, School Psychology: National Association of School Psychologists 2017 Annual Convention and the Trainers of School Psychologists Conference, San Antonio, TX

Iyer, Vish - MCB, Marketing: Western Decision Sciences Institute, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Kimball, Michael - HSS, Anthropology: Heritage Management Education and Practice:  Exploring Connections Across Disciplines and Stakeholders, Ahmedabad University, India

Kyle, Britney - HSS, Anthropology: American Association of Physical Anthropologists Meetings, New Orleans, LA

Li, Amy - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: Annual Conference of Association for Education Finance and Policy, Washington, DC

Liu, Jiacheng - HSS, History: The 2017 Annual Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Toronto, Canada

McNally, Gillian - PVA, Theatre Arts & Dance: International Association for Theatre for Children and Young People, Cape Town, South Africa

Morgan, Thomas - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: International Conference on Education Leadership and Management 2017, Kingston, Jamaica

Mueller, Tracy - EBS, Special Education: Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Boston, MA

Reardon, James - MCB, Marketing: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) 2017 Conference, Valencia, Spain

Rudolph, Heather - NHS, Biological Sciences: Thirteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL

Rush, Daniel - MCB, Accounting & CIS: Western Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 10th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, Athens, Greece

Skousen, Jacob - EBS, Leadership, Policy & Development: Paper Presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AREA) Conference, San Antonio, TX

Soltwisch, Brandon - MCB, Management: Western Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Sundeen, Todd - EBS, Special Education: Annual International Convention for the Council for Exceptional Children, Boston, MA

Syrett, Nicholas - HSS, History: Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders, and Sexualities, Long Island, NY

Urbach, Jennifer - EBS, Special Education: Council of Exceptional Children Conference, Boston, MA

Ward, Kyle - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO

Weiler, Spencer - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: National Education Finance Academy's National Conference Attendance, Cincinnati, OH

Weng, Lei - PVA, Music: Keynote Speaker, Concerts, Presentations and Masterclasses in China, China

Winter 2017

Banerjee, Rashida -EBS, Special Education: 15th Biennial International Association of Special Education (IASE) Conference, Perth, Australia

Brannon, Daniel – MCB, Marketing: Frontiers in Service, New York, NY

Brewer, Robin -                 EBS, Special Education: Council for Exceptional Children Annual Expo and Convention (CEC), Boston, MA

DeKrey, Gregory – NHS, Biological Sciences: Experimental Biological Sciences 2017 - Member Society:  American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Chicago, IL

Duncan, Whitney – HSS, Anthropology: Society for Psychological Anthropology 2017 Biennial Meetings, New Orleans, LA

Dzhamay, Anton – NHS, Mathematical Sciences: The Tenth IMACS International Conference in Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, Athens, GA

Epperson, Annie – UL, University Libraries: Association of College & Research Libraries Conference, Baltimore, MD

Harraf, Abe – MCB, Management: 2nd World Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Istanbul, Turkey

Henderson, Angie – HSS, Sociology: Pacific Sociological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

Hulac, David – EBS, School Psychology: National Association of School Psychologists 2017 Annual Convention and the Trainers of School Psychologists Conference, San Antonio, TX

Iyer, Vish – MCB, Marketing: Western Decision Sciences Institute, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Kimball, Michael – HSS, Anthropology: Heritage Management Education and Practice:  Exploring Connections Across Disciplines and Stakeholders, Ahmedabad University, India

Kyle, Britney – HSS, Anthropology: American Association of Physical Anthropologists Meetings, New Orleans, LA

Li, Amy – EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: Annual Conference of Association for Education Finance and Policy, Washington, DC

Liu, Jiacheng – HSS, History: The 2017 Annual Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Toronto, Canada

McNally, Gillian – PVA, Theatre Arts & Dance: International Association for Theatre for Children and Young People, Cape Town, South Africa

Morgan, Thomas – EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: International Conference on Education Leadership and Management 2017, Kingston, Jamaica

Mueller, Tracy – EBS, Special Education: Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Boston, MA

Reardon, James – MCB, Marketing: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) 2017 Conference, Valencia, Spain

Rudolph, Heather – NHS, Biological Sciences: Thirteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL

Rush, Daniel – MCB, Accounting & CIS: Western Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Ryan, John – HSS, Hispanic Studies: 10th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, Athens, Greece

Skousen, Jacob – EBS, Leadership, Policy & Development: Paper Presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AREA) Conference, San Antonio, TX

Soltwisch, Brandon – MCB, Management: Western Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Sundeen, Todd – EBS, Special Education: Annual International Convention for the Council for Exceptional Children, Boston, MA

Syrett, Nicholas – HSS, History: Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders, and Sexualities, Long Island, NY

Urbach, Jennifer – EBS, Special Education:  Council of Exceptional Children Conference    Boston, MA

Ward, Kyle – HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO

Weiler, Spencer – EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: National Education Finance Academy's National Conference Attendance, Cincinnati, OH

Weng, Lei – PVA, Music: Keynote Speaker, Concerts, Presentations and Masterclasses in China, China

Fall 2016

Allen, Sarah - HSS, English: Tenth Biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference, Arizona

Baird, Graham - NHS, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Maryland

Banerjee, Rashida - EBS, Special Education: Conference Presentation at the International Society for Early Intervention, Sweden

Clinebell, John - MCB, Finance: Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Florida

Clinebell, Sharon - MCB, Management: Academy of Business Education, Texas

Creekmore, Andrew - HSS, Anthropology: American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, Georgia

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: Joint Mathematics Meeting (JMM) 2016, Washington

Eiswerth, Mark - HSS, Economics: 2015 American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Annual Water Resources Conference, Denver

Glen, Nancy - PVA, Music: 2nd International Festival of Czech Music, Texas

Goodrum, Sarah - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: Lessons Learned from a Colorado High School Shooting, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Denver

Hall, James - PVA, Music: South America Tour, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil

Hess, Robyn - EBS, School Psychology: Annual Conference, National Association of School Psychologists, Louisiana

Krawitz, Justin - PVA, Music: 2015 International Conference of the European Piano Teachers Association, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Teacher Education: Association for Educational Communications and Technology International Conference, Indiana

Lalonde, Trent - EBS, Applied Statistics & Research Methods: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Illinois

Mackessy, Stephen - NHS, Biological Sciences: International Society on Toxinology World Congress, Oxford, England

Malde, Melissa - PVA, Music: College Music Society National Conference, Indiana

McCorkle, Denny - MCB, Marketing: Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit, Massachusetts

Melish, Jacob - HSS, History: "Research Roundtable:  Transgression, Gender & Community in Eurasia, 1600-1800," American Historical Association, Georgia

Milbrath, Gwyneth - NHS, Nursing: Sigma Theta Tau Biennial Conference, Nevada

Newman, Harmony - HSS, Sociology: National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) Annual Meeting, Wisconsin

Phillips, Kristina - EBS, Psychological Sciences: 3rd National Cannabis Conference 2015, Melbourne, Australia

Phillips, Michael - EBS, Psychological Sciences: 3rd National Cannabis Conference 2015, Melbourne, Australia

Strear, Molly - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) 2015 Conference, Pennsylvania

Sundeen, Todd - EBS, Special Education: Annual Conference for the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children, Arizona

Syrett, Nicholas - HSS, History: Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Georgia

Van Schalkwyk, Willem - PVA, Music: South America Tour, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay

Ward, Kyle - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C.

Williams, Mia - EBS, Teacher Education: E-Learn Conference, Hawaii

Zia, Ather - HSS, Anthropology: Negotiating Precarity in the Classroom:  Identity and Intersectionality, Milwaukee

Spring 2016

Allen, Michael - EBS, Psychological Sciences: Social Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS), New York, NY

Allen, Michael - EBS, Psychological Sciences: International Stress and Behavior Society, Miami, FL

Applegate, Erik - PVA, Music: Concerts and Master Classes in Changsha, Wuhan, Beijing and Tianjin, China, China

Bellman, Jonathan - PVA, Music: 19th Biennial International Conference on Nineteenth-Century Music, Oxford, UK

Benedict, Lauryn - NHS, Biological Sciences: NAOC 2016 - The North American Ornithological Congress, Washington, DC

Bovaird-Abbo, Kristin - HSS, English: Leeds International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK

Burgett, Jill - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Chamber Choir Southwest U.S. WUE Performance Tour, CO, AZ and NM

Clinebell, Sharon - MCB, Management: Academy of Business Education, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Del Carpio, Karla - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Indigenous Peoples in Latin America, 19th-21st Centuries:  Advancements, Perspectives and Challenges, Argentina

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: SIDE-12 Symmetries and Integrability of Different Equations, Canada

Flynn, Wendilyn - NHS, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences: American Meteorological Society 17th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Burlington, VT

Hess, Robyn - EBS, School Psychology: International School Psychology Association, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hinerman, Krystal - EBS, Applied Statistics & Research Methods: International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Vilnius, Lithuania

Karakok, Gulden - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education:  ICME-13, Hamburg, Germany

Kauffman, Deborah - PVA, Music: Celebrating Saint Vincent de Paul at Saint-Cyr:  A Plain-chant Musical Mass by Nicolas Clerambault?, Canterbury, UK

Kim, Jung Eun - NHS, Human Services: 2016 Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual International Conference, Vail Valley, Colorado

Krawitz, Justin - PVA, Music: 38th International Conference of the European Piano Teachers Association, Reykjavik, Iceland

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Teacher Education: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Denver, CO

Landry, Dana - PVA, Music: Concerts and Master Classes in Changsha, Wuhan, Beijing, and Tianjin China, China

Malde, Melissa - PVA, Music: Let's Get Moving Session at NATS National Conference, Chicago, IL

Matchett, Nancy - HSS, Philosophy: First Annual Undergraduate Women's Philosophy Conference, Denver, CO

Packard, Josh - HSS, Sociology: Association for the Sociology of Religion and American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA

Romano, Sarah - HSS, Political Science & International Affairs: World Congress of Rural Sociology, Toronto, Canada

Romero, Deborah - HSS, Hispanic Studies: World Federation of Associations of Teachers of English (WFATE), Barcelona, Spain

Rudolph, Heather - NHS, Biological Sciences: Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Societas Linguistica Europaea 49th Annual Meeting, Naples, Italy

Soltwisch, Brandon - MCB, Management: MIC 2016 Management International Conference, Pula, Croatia

Wanasika, Isaac - MCB, Management: International Academy of Business and Economics, IABE 2016 Florence, Florence, Italy

Weis, Robert - HSS, History: International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), New York, NY

Weng, Lei - PVA, Music: Concerts, Presentations and Masterclasses in Taiwan and China, Taiwan and China

Wilson, William - PVA, Music: Opera Classica Europa Performances, Germany and France

Winter 2016

Baird, Graham - NHS, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences: 2016 Northeastern Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Albany, New York

Barton, Karen - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: International Association of Society and Resource Management (ISSRM) Annual Conference, Houghton, MI

Brewer, Robin - EBS, Special Education: Council for Exceptional Children 2016 Convention and Expo, St. Louis, MO

Creekmore, Andrew - HSS, Anthropology: The Structure of Infrastructure: Material Networks in Early Urban Communities, Liverpool, England

Del Carpio, Karla - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Academic Stay at the University of San Pablo of Tucuman, Argentina, Tucuman, Argentina

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: "Discrete Integrable Systems" International Workshop, Sanya, China

Ellis, Lyda Fontes - UL, University Libraries: Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland

Glen, Nancy - PVA, Music: 2016 NAfME National Research and Music Teacher Education Conference, Atlanta, GA

Harraf, Abe - MCB, Management: International Conference on Communication and Management, Athens, Greece

Henderson, Angie - HSS, Sociology: Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Boston, MA

Hinerman, Krystal - EBS, Applied Statistics & Research Methods: Association for Psychological Sciences Symposium Presentation, Chicago, IL

Hulac, David - EBS, School Psychology: National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA

Jameson, Molly - EBS, Psychological Sciences: American Educational Research Association 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC

Kyle, Britney - HSS, Anthropology: American Association of Physical Anthropologists Meeting, Atlanta, GA

Newman, Harmony - HSS, Sociology: Society for Applied Anthropology National Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Packard, Josh - HSS, Sociology: Invited Lecture Series at the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology, Seattle, WA

Reardon, James - MCB, Marketing: International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), Valencia, Spain

Romano, Sarah - HSS, Political Science & International Affairs: Latin American Studies Association Congress, New York, NY

Rudolph, Heather - NHS, Biological Sciences: National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, Baltimore, MD

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 3rd Workshop on Sound Change, Salamanca, Spain

Soltwisch, Brandon - MCB, Management: Western Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV

Suarez, Jose - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Reconsidering Cultural Ideologies and Identities in India and Beyond, Delhi, India

Talbot, Christine - HSS, Sociology: Western Association of Women's Historians Annual Conference, Denver, CO

Walker, Dana - EBS, Teacher Education: World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education, Barcelona, Spain

Ward, Kyle - HSS, Criminology & Criminal Justice: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Denver, CO

Weiler, Spencer - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: National Education Finance Academy Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL

Yakaboski, Tamara - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: ACPA Annual Convention, Montreal, Canada

Zukiewicz, Adam - PVA, Music: Nocturnes in the City, Canada and China

Fall 2015

Conner, Suzanne - MCB, Marketing: Society for Marketing Advances, New Orleans, LA

Creekmore, Andrew - HSS, Anthropology: American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA

Falcone, Andrea - UL, University Libraries: European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), Dubrovnik, Croatia

Fetkewicz, Mark - PVA, Art & Design: Southeastern College Art Conference SECAC's 70th Annual Conference, Sarasota, FL

Glen, Nancy - PVA, Music: Conference of the Ontario Music Educators' Association and the Canadian Music Industry Education Committee, Ontario, Canada

Golson, Emily - HSS, English: Second International Symposium of "Liberty and Human Rights", Cairo, Egypt

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Teacher Education: The World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education (WFATE) Conference, Beijing, China

Lalonde, Trent - EBS, Applied Statistics & Research Methods: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA

Martin, Michael - MCB, Finance: Academic and Business Research Institute International Fall Conference, Las Vegas, NV

Middleton, Valerie - EBS, Teacher Education: World Federation of Association of Teacher Education Biennial Conference, Beijing, China

Newman, Harmony - HSS, Sociology: Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) Winter Meetings, Washington, DC

Packard, Josh - HSS, Sociology: Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Indianapolis, IN

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Global Conference on Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Soltwisch, Brandon - MCB, Management: The Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting and Conference, Minneapolis, MN

Zia, Ather - HSS, Anthropology: American Anthropological Association 113th Annual Conference, Washington, DC

Spring 2015

Adams, Wendy - NHS, Physics & Astronomy: 100Kin10 Partner Summit, Chicago, IL

Allen, Sarah - HSS, English: UKLA 51st International Conference, Nottingham, UK

Allen, Michael - EBS, Psychological Sciences: Stress and Behavior Meeting, Miami, FL

Alvarez, Euridice - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Faculty Wind Quintet in Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica

Bovaird-Abbo, Kristin - HSS, English: Tenth Biennial Conference of the International Association for Robin Hood Studies, Doncaster, England

Cardona, Betty - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: International Association for Counseling: Building Bridges toward Wellbeing.  Challenges of Migration and Gender, Verona, Italy

Cornish, Sarah - HSS, English: Woolf and her Contemporaries:  International Conference on Virginia Woolf, Bloomsburg, PA

Douglas, Scott - NHS, Sport & Exercise Science: Vista Conference (Paralympic Games Summit), Girona, Spain

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM15) & Waseda University Workshop, China and Japan

Epperson, Annie - UL, University Libraries: 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Paris, France

Faganel, Gal - PVA, Music: College Music Society 2015 International Conference - Lecture Recital, Sweden and Norway

Fetkewicz, Mark - PVA, Art & Design: Teaching the History of Design:  The Canon and Beyond, Philadelphia, PA

Glen, Nancy - PVA, Music: International Society of Sociology in Music Education, New Orleans, LA

Hall, James - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Faculty Wind Quintet in Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica

Hall, James - PVA, Music: Guest Artist at the National Conservatory of Paraguay, Asuncion, Paraguay

Harraf, Abe - MCB, Management: International Business Conference, London, England

Hesse, Marian - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Faculty Wind Quintet in Costa Rica, San Jose, Puerto Rico

Jacobson, Lauren - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Faculty Wind Quintet in Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica

Jacobson, Lauren - PVA, Music: International Clarinet Association Conference, Madrid, Spain

Lalonde, Trent - EBS, Applied Statistics & Research Methods: Meeting of the Western North American Region (WNAR) of the American Biometrics Society (ABS), Boise, ID

Luedloff, Brian - PVA, Music: Opera America National Conference, Washington, DC

Omdal, Stuart - EBS, Special Education: 21st World Conference of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, Odense, Denmark

Packard, Josh - HSS, Sociology: Annual Meetings of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, Chicago, IL

Peterson, Eric - EBS, Psychological Sciences: Association for Psychological Sciences Conference, New York, NY

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Naples, Italy

Soltwisch, Brandon - MCB, Management: The Institute for Business and Finance Research, San Jose, Costa Rica

Wanasika, Isaac - MCB, Management: European Academic Research Conference on Global Business Economics, Finance and Social Sciences, Milan, Italy

Welsh, Marilyn - EBS, Psychological Sciences: Association for Psychological Sciences Conference, New York, NY

Weng, Lei - PVA, Music: Present lecture: Music Education in American Universities, and recital: A Chinese in the West, Bangkok, Singapore and Jakarta

Wilson, William - PVA, Music: Opera Classica Performances, Germany

Wright, Stephen - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Toronto, Canada

Winter 2015

Allen, Michael - EBS, Psychological Sciences: International Behavioral Neuroscience Society Meeting, British Columbia, Canada

Applegate, Erik - PVA, Music: Presenting masterclasses and lectures at University of Utah and Utah State University, Salt Lake City and Logan, Utah

Athanasiou, Michelle - EBS, Psychological Sciences: National Association of School Psychologists Conference, Orlando, FL

Barton, Karen - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: 21st International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Charleston, SC

Dahlke, Andrew - PVA, Music: Hemispheres Saxophone Quartet Teaching, Performance and Recruiting Tour of China, Beijing, Tianjin and Wuhan, China

Dauenhauer, Brian - NHS, Sport & Exercise Science: SHAPE America National Convention and Exposition, Seattle, WA

Duncan, Whitney - HSS, Anthropology: Society for Latin American/Caribbean Anthropology, Oaxaca, Mexico

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: The Ninth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, Athens, GA

Eldredge, Nathaniel - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: 38th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Oxford, UK

Endres, Thomas - HSS, Communication: World Conference on Media and Mass Communication, Beijing, China

Franklin, Elizabeth - HSS, Hispanic Studies: TESOL International Conference, Toronto, Canada

Gaza, Michelle - PVA, Theatre Arts & Dance: 66th Annual Southeastern Theatre Conference Convention (SETC), Chattanooga, TN

Iyer, Vish - MCB, Marketing: Western Decision Science Institute (WDSI), Maui, HI

Jones, Laura - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL

Karakok, Gulden - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: CERME9:  9th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education, Prague, Czech Republic

Keaten, James - HSS, Communication Studies: World Conference on Media and Mass Communication, Beijing, China

Kovalcheck, Steve - PVA, Music: Presenting masterclasses and lectures and University of Utah and Utah State University, Salt Lake City and Logan, UT

Krause, Jennifer - NHS, Sport & Exercise Science: SHAPE America Convention, Seattle, WA

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Teacher Education: The Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas, NV

Leffler, Jennifer - UL, University Libraries: North American Serials Interest Group Annual Conference, Arlington, VA

Malde, Melissa - PVA, Music: What Every Singer Needs to Know about the Body, Vancouver, B.C.

McIlvaine, Britney - HSS, Anthropology: American Association of Physical Anthropologists Annual Meetings, St. Louis, MO

Olivo, Christiane - HSS, Political Science & International Affairs: Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference, Split, Croatia

Seegel, Steven - HSS, History: East European Experts and Politics in the 20th Century, Marburg, Germany

Swanson, Gary - HSS, Journalism & Mass Communications: World Conference on Media and Mass Communication, Beijing, China

Syrett, Nicholas - HSS, History: Triennial Meeting of the Southern Association for Women Historians, Charleston, SC

Weil, Joyce - NHS, Human Services: Aging in Americas 2015 Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging (AGA), Chicago, IL

Fall 2014

Alvarez, Euridice - PVA, Music: Alfredo Saint-Malo Music Festival of Panama, Panama City, Panama

Berg, Margaret - EBS, Teacher Education: American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL

Boyce, Travis - HSS, Africana Studies: Historicizing Fear:  The Racialization of Obama's 2008 and 2012 Campaigns, Freiburg, Germany

Brewer, Robin - EBS, Special Education: Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI

Cardona, Betty - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Counseling Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI

Clinebell, John - MCB, Finance: Academy of Financial Services National Meeting, Chicago, IL

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: 2014 Joint Mathematics Meeting, Baltimore, MD

Fetkewicz, Mark - PVA, Art & Design: 8th International Conference on Design Principles and Practice, Vancouver, BC

Hall, James - PVA, Music: Alfredo Saint-Malo Music Festival of Panama, Panama City, Panama

Hansen, Charles - PVA, Music: Alfredo Saint-Malo Music Festival of Panama, Panama City, Panama

Hesse, Marian - PVA, Music: Alfredo Saint-Malo Music Festival of Panama, Panama City, Panama

Jacobson, Lauren - PVA, Music: Alfredo Saint-Malo Music Festival of Panama, Panama City, Panama

Karakok, Gulden - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: The 9th Delta Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, Kiama, Australia

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Teacher Education: Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI

Lalonde, Trent - EBS, Applied Statistics & Research Methods: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA

Mackessy, Stephen - NHS, Biological Sciences: 3rd Annual Conference, Toxicological Society of India, Goa, India

McIlvaine, Britney - HSS, Anthropology: American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL

Middleton, Valerie - EBS, Special Education: National Network for Educational Renewal Conference, Albuquerque, NM

Oravitz, Michael - PVA, Music: Seventh International Conference on Music Theory, Tallinn-Parnu, Estonia

Payan, Janice - MCB, Marketing: 15th Cross Cultural Research Conference, Antigua, Guatemala

Reardon, James - MCB, Marketing: ICERI2013, Seville, Spain

Seegel, Steven - HSS, History: Borderland Myths in East European Multiconfessional Societies in the Age of Nationalism, Muenster, Germany

Syrett, Nicholas - HSS, History: Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Washington, DC

Ursyn, Anna - PVA, Art & Design: The School of Visual Arts, the 27th Annual Conference on Liberal Arts and Education of Artists, New York City, NY

Wanasika, Isaac - MCB, Management: Africa Academy of Management 2nd Biennial Conference Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana

Weng, Lei - PVA, Music: Masterclass and Presentation at Three Top Normal Universities in China, China

Wright, Stephen - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: Counseling Psychology Conference (Division 17 of the American Psychological Association), Atlanta, GA

Spring 2014

Brewer, Robin - EBS, Special Education: CEC Division of International Special Education 2014 Conference, Braga, Portugal

Burgett, Jill - PVA, Music: International Conference on the Arts in Society Paper Presentation; Choral Masterclasses Presentations in Rome, Italy, Rome, Italy

Cornish, Sarah - HSS, English: "Crossing the Space Between" Annual Conference Space Between Society, Lit and Culture 1914-1945, London, UK

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: SIDE-11 International Conference, Bangalore, India

Epperson, Annie - UL, University Libraries: American Library Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV

Garcia, Socrates - PVA, Music: Jazz Big Band Composition/Arranging Workshop and Concert with the National Conservatory of Music Big Band, Dominican Republic

Glen, Nancy - PVA, Music: St. Augustine Symposium on the History of Music Education, St. Augustine, FL

Hall, James - PVA, Music: Performance at the 2014 National Flute Association Convention, Chicago, IL

Henderson, Angela - HSS, Sociology: N4A National Convention, Orlando, FL

Luedloff, Brian - PVA, Music: Opera America National Conference, San Francisco, CA

Phillips, Kristina - EBS, Psychological Sciences: College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Phillips, Michael - EBS, Psychological Sciences: College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Pugh, Kevin - EBS, Psychological Sciences: International Conference on Motivation 2014, Helsinki, Finland

Reardon, James - MCB, Marketing: EMAC 2014 Paradigm Shifts and Interactions, 43rd Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain

Romano, Sarah - HSS, Political Science & International Affairs: Irrigation, Society, and Territory International Congress, Valencia, Spain

Soltwisch, Brandon - MCB, Management: The Institute for Business and Finance Research, San Jose, Costa Rica

Torres, Silvia - EBS, Special Education: CEC Division of International Special Education 2014 Conference, Braga, Portugal

Wright, Stephen - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC

Winter 2014

Applegate, Erik - PVA, Music: Jazz Studies Faculty and ¹ú²úAV Jazz Lab Band I in China, China

Berg, Margaret - EBS, Teacher Education: 41st International Systemic Functional Congress, Argentina

Bowen, Sandy - EBS, Special Education: 2nd Annual Congress on Family Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Austria

Creekmore, Andrew - HSS, Anthropology: Digital Domains:  Remote Sensing of Past Human Landscapes, New Hampshire

Embry, Marcus - HSS, English: Ninth Biennial MESEA (Multi Ethnic Literatures Europe and America) Conference, Germany

French, Joseph - MCB, Finance: Series of Seminars in Shanghai, Shanghai

Froiland, John Mark - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Educational Research Association 2014 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia

Garza, Efrain - HSS, Hispanic Studies: XIX Contemporary Mexican Literature Conference, Texas

Glen, Nancy - PVA, Music: 2014 NAfME Music Research and Teacher Education National Conference, Missouri

Haynes, Chayla - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: American Educational Research Association (AERA), Pennsylvania

Henderson, Angela - HSS, Sociology: Western Social Science Association Annual Meetings, New Mexico

Hill, Thomas - NHS, Nursing: 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Arizona

Huh, Joonok - HSS, English: 2014 MESEA Conference (Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas), Germany

Kallon, Kelfala - HSS, Economics: CSAE Conference 2014:  Economic Development in Africa, United Kingdom

Kauffman, Deborah - PVA, Music: Residence on the Music of Guillaume-Gabriel Nivers, France

Kovalcheck, Steve - PVA, Music: Jazz Studies Faculty and ¹ú²úAV Jazz Lab Band I in China, China

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Teacher Education: American Educational Research Association (AERA), Pennsylvania

Landry, Dana - PVA, Music: Jazz Studies Faculty and ¹ú²úAV Jazz Lab Band I in China, China

Malde, Melissa - PVA, Music: Opera Classica Europa Performances, Germany and France

McCorkle, Denny - MCB, Marketing: Marketing Educators Association Conference, California

McIlvaine, Britney - HSS, Anthropology: American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) Annual Conference, Canada

McNally, Gillian - PVA, Theatre Arts & Dance: International Associate for Theatre for Children and Young People, Poland

Romano, Sarah - HSS, Political Science & International Affairs: American Association of Geographers Conference, Florida

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Fourth International Conference on Historical News Discourse, Finland

Vogel, Linda - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society Conference, New Zealand

Weis, Robert - HSS, History: Latin American Studies Association International Congress (LASA), Illinois

White, James - PVA, Music: Jazz Studies Faculty and ¹ú²úAV Jazz Lab Band I in China, China

Wilson, William - PVA, Music: Opera Classica Europa Performances, Germany and France

Fall 2013

Baird, Graham - NHS, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences: 2012 Geological Society of American Annual Meeting

Clinebell, John - MCB, Finance: Financial Management Association National Meeting

Conroy, Paula - EBS, Special Education: WBU/ICEVI General Assemblies: Achieving our Vision Through Empowerment and Partnership

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: 2012 Winter Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society

Falcon, Priscilla - HSS, Hispanic Studies: National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies Conference

Ferrell, Kay - EBS, Special Education: World Blind Union-International Council on Education of Persons with Visual Impairment General Assemblies

French, Joseph - MCB, Finance: AIMS International Conference on Management

Kimball, Michael - HSS, Anthropology: World Archaeological Congress 7

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Educational Technology: Association for Educational Communications and Technology

Martin, Michael - MCB, Finance

Mills, Charlotte - PVA, Music: Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities

Payan, Janice - MCB, Marketing: Society for Marketing Advances 50th Anniversary Conference

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 3rd Annual International Early Language Acquisition Conference

Schountz, Tony - NHS, Biological Sciences: American Society for MicroBiological Sciences Biodefense Emerging Diseases Research Meeting

Schountz, Tony - NHS, Biological Sciences: American Society for Tropical Medicine Annual Meeting

Sundeen, Todd - EBS, Special Education: National Conference for the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children

Tomlin, Troy - HSS, History: American Historical Association Annual Meeting

Ursyn, Anna - PVA, Art & Design: The 9th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society

Weng, Lei - PVA, Music: Concert and Masterclass Tour in Asia

Spring 2013

Bolden-Taylor, Diane - PVA, Music: Vocal Master Class, Sydney, Australia

Bovaird-Abbo, Kristin - HSS, English: Tenth ASLE Biennial Conference:  "Changing Nature:  Migrations, Energies, Limits", Lawrence, KS

Boyce, Travis - HSS, Africana Studies: International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference, Cambridge, MA

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: "Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena 2013" International Conference, Italy

Franklin, Scott - NHS, Biological Sciences: International Association of Vegetation Scientists, Tartu, Estonia

Froiland, John Mark - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: 1) Society for the Study of School Psychology; 2) American Psychological Association Conference, Honolulu, HI

Harraf, Abe - MCB, Management: 10th Eurasis Business and Economics Society Conference, Istanbul, Turkey

Hess, Robyn - EBS, School Psychology: American Psychological Association, Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI

Iyer, Vish - MCB, Marketing: Clute Institute International Academic Conference, Paris, France

Johnson, Brian - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Psychological Association, Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI

Kim, Jung Eun - NHS, Human Services: An Empirical Study of Socially Responsible Behaviors of Tourism Organizations, Seoul, South Korea

Kraver, Jeraldine - HSS, English: Auschwitz Jewish Center Faculty Fellowship, NYC and Poland

Macaluso, Robin - NHS, Chemistry & Biochemistry: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 47th General Assembly and 44th World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey

Martinez, Rutilio - MCB, Finance: Clute Institute International Academic Conference, Paris, France

Phillips, Kristina - EBS, Psychological Sciences: Harm Reduction International Conference 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 6th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, Athens, Greece

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association 67th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, WA

Szczyrba, Igor - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics at the University of Warsaw, Poland

Trask, Jay - UL, University Libraries: Joint Meeting of the Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists and Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists, Salt Lake City, UT

Weng, Lei - PVA, Music: Concert and Masterclass in China, China

Wright, Stephen - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii

Winter 2013

Allen, Sarah - HSS, English: Great Writing Conference, London, United Kingdom

Bovaird-Abbo, Kristin - HSS, English: 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Missouri

Creekmore, Andrew - HSS, Anthropology: Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: The Eighth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: "Nonlinear Equations and Complex Analysis" International Conference, Bannoe Lake, Bashkortostan, Russia

French, Joseph - MCB, Finance: Allied Academics, New Orleans, Louisiana

Garza, Efrain - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 10th Annual Southeast Coastal Conference on Languages and Literatures, Savannah, Georgia

Garza, Efrain - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Third Biennial Florida International University Symposium-Escritoras: From Enlightenment to Modernism, Florida International University- Miami

Hall, James - PVA, Music: Recital Tour in South Africa, South Africa

Jurin, Richard - NHS, Biological Sciences: 7th World Environmental Education Congress, Marrakech, Morocco

Klein, Phil - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: European Association of Geographers (EUROGEO) annual meeting, Bruges, Belgium

Lalonde, Trent - EBS, Applied Statistics & Research Methods: American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Union Square, San Francisco, California

Martin, Michael - MCB, Finance: Allied Academics, New Orleans, Louisiana

McBeth, Sally - HSS, Anthropology: Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii

McCorkle, Denny - MCB, Marketing: 2013 MEA Conference, Portland, Oregon

Park, Jungwon - HSS, Hispanic Studies: LASA (Latin American Studies Association) 2013, Washington D.C.

Park, Jungwon - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Colloquium ACT29- Literature and Cultures in Portugal and Hispanic America: New Perspectives in Dialogue, Lisbon, Portugal

Parker, Carlo Guy - NHS, Nursing: American Organization of Nurse Executives 46th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado

Payan, Janice - MCB, Marketing: 2013 World Marketing Congress- Academy of Marketing Science, Melbourne, Australia

Pierce, Stephen - PVA, Music: Recital Tour in South Africa, South Africa

Pierce, Corey - EBS, Special Education: Council for Exceptional Children 2013 Convention and Expo, San Antonio, Texas

Reardon, James - MCB, Marketing: The Clute Institute European International Academic Conference, Paris, France

Romero, Deborah - HSS, Hispanic Studies: American Association of Applied Linguistics, Sheraton Hotel, Dallas, Texas

Serna, Gabriel - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: National Education Finance Conference, Indianapolis, IN

Stoody, Tina - NHS, Audiology & Speech-Language Sciences: 25th Annual American Academy of Audiology Meeting and Expo (AudiologyNOW! 2013), Anaheim, California

Sundeen, Todd - EBS, Special Education: Council for Exceptional Children International Convention and Expo, San Antonio, TX

Syrett, Nicholas - HSS, History: Presentation at Biennial Meeting of the Society for the History of Children and Youth, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Ursyn, Anna - PVA, Art & Design: 7th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Chiba, Japan

Williams, Mia Kim - EBS, Teacher Education: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, New Orleans, LA

Yakaboski, Tamara - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: Association of College Unions International Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri

Fall 2012

Adams, Rick - NHS, Biological Sciences: Global Risk Forum: One Health Summit 2011

Baird, Graham - NHS, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences: 2011 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting

Barton, Karen - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: Meetings of the Association of American Geographers

Chaves, Joseph - HSS, English: Sociability in Great Britain and in France in the Enlightenment

Craviotto, Cathleen - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: International Conference on Scientific Computing 2011

Falcone, Andrea - UL, University Libraries: American Library Association Midwinter Meeting

French, Joseph - MCB, Finance: The 7th International Conference on Asian Financial Markets

Froiland, John Mark - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: Spaces and Flows: An International Conference on Urban & Extraurban Studies

Malde, Melissa - PVA, Music: National Conference of the College Music Society

Mayne, Richard - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Wind Ensemble Tour of China

McGlaughlin, Mitchell - NHS, Biological Sciences: Vienna International Plant Conference Association Molecular Ecology

Ryan, John - HSS, Hispanic Studies: I Encuentro de jovenes investigadores y doctores en Filologica, Linguistica y Literaturas Romanicas y areas afines

Singleton, Kenneth - PVA, Music: ¹ú²úAV Wind Ensemble Tour of China (PRT 174)

Syrett, Nicholas - HSS, History: Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association (PRT175)

Ursyn, Anna - PVA, Art & Design: Generative Art Conference

Spring 2012

Bardos, Achilles - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: International Test Commission Conference, Amsterdam and European Association for Research on Adolescents- GREECE & AMSTERDAM, Greece & Amsterdam

Barton, Karen - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: Rural Grocery Store Summit: Strengthening our Stores, Strengthening our Communities

Brittain, Danielle - NHS, Human Services: 12th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine- HUNGARY, Hungary

Doerner, James - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: North American Dendroecological Fieldwork

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: NEEDS (Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems) 2012 International Conference- GREECE, Greece

Einhellig, Katrina - NHS, Nursing: 23rd Annual International Nursing Research Conference (Sigma Theta Tau International)- AUSTRALIA, Australia

Faganel, Gal - PVA, Music: Master Classes, Presentation, and Performances in Taiwan, Recruiting in Taiwan and South Korea-TAIWAN, Taiwan

Finan, Donald - EBS, Audiology & Speech-Language Sciences: 2012 Firearm Noise Measurement Data Collection Event

French, Joseph - MCB, Finance: Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research-SIBER-THAILAND, Thailand

Froiland, John Mark - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: Opening Keynote Speaker at the World Society of Motivation Scientists and Professionals: Annual Conference, Washington D.C., WA

Gaede, Diane - NHS, Human Services: BEST EN Think Tank XII Tourism Conference: Mobilities and Sustainable Tourism-FRANCE, France

Gilliam, David - EBS, Psychological Sciences: International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism 16th World Congress-JAPAN, Japan

Harraf, Abe - MCB, Management: International Conference on Innovation, Management, and Services ICIMS 2012- UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, United Arab Emirates

Harris, Caleb - PVA, Music: Concerts with Soprano, Tiffany Blake and Flutist, Michelle Stanley-SCOTLAND & FRANCE, Scotland & France

Hess, Robyn - EBS, School Psychology: Seeing Them Change, Changed Me: Parent Involvement Program for At-Risk Latino Youth-CANADA, Canada

Houser, Jeffrey - HSS, Sociology: Second International Sociology Association Forum: Social Justice and Democratization-ARGENTINA, Argentina

Johnson, Brian - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Psychological Association Annual Convention

Kauffman, Deborah - PVA, Music: 15th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music- ENGLAND, England

Kraver, Jeraldine - HSS, English: Eighth International Conference on Holocaust Education-ISREAL, Israel

Martin, Michael - MCB, Finance: Past, Present, and Future of Covert Marketing: Implications for Marketing and Public Policy Special Session 2012 Public Policy

Miller, April - HSS, English: Performing New Media: 189-1915: 12th Annual Domitor Conference-ENGLAND, England

Murdock, Jennifer - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: National Career Development Association Annual Conference: Inspiring Careers and Empowering Lives

Phillips, Michael - EBS, Psychological Sciences: University of Kansas Stats Camp, Kansas

Roehrs, Carol - NHS, Nursing: Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Tau International: 23rd International Nursing Research Congress-AUSTRALIA, Australia

Stanley, Mary Jo - NHS, Nursing: 23rd Annual International Nursing Research Conference (Sigma Theta Tau International)-AUSTRALIA, Australia

Suarez, Jose - HSS, Hispanic Studies: II International Symposium-SPAIN, Spain

Ursyn, Anna - PVA, Art & Design: ACM SIGGRAPH, International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

Wanasika, Isaac - MCB, Management: First Interdisciplinary International Conference: Catholic University of East Africa-KENYA, Kenya, Africa

Wright, Stephen - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention

Winter 2012

Allen, Sarah - HSS, English: 2012 Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America

Barton, Karen - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: Presenting Fulbright-Hays Research at International Symposium on Society and Resource Management in Edmonton

Bellman, Jonathan - PVA, Music: 17th Biennial International Conference on Nineteenth-Century Music

Boyce, Travis - HSS, Africana Studies: National Council for Black Studies 36th Annual Conference

Cardona, Betty - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Counseling Association Annual Convention

Clinebell, John - MCB, Finance: International Academy of Business and Economics

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: Collaborative Project:  Discrete Hamiltonian Structure of Schlesinger Transformation

Franklin, Beth - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Center for Mexican American Studies and Research Conference at our Lake of the Lakes University

French, Joseph - MCB, Finance: Eastern Finance Association

Garza, Efrain - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 2012 Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, Lexington, KY

Hall, James - PVA, Music: Asuncion Winter Music Festival, Asuncion, Paraguay

Harraf, Abe - MCB, Management: 16th International Business Research Conference in Dubai (new request), Izmir, Turkey

Huh, Joonok - HSS, English: 2012 Multi-Ethnic Studies:  Europe and the Americas Conference

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Educational Technology: American Educational Research Association (AERA), Louisville, KY

McBeth, Sally - HSS, Anthropology: The Society for Multi-Ethnic Studies:  Europe and the Americas

McCorkle, Denny - MCB, Marketing: Marketing Educator's Association Conference

Reardon, James - MCB, Marketing: International Technology, Education and Development Conference

Romero, Deborah - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Strengthening Latino Male College Success - Miami, FL, Miami, FL

Romero, Deborah - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Researching New Media Literacies among Multilingual/Multicultural Youth and Their Teachers; Leveraging University-School-Community-CANADA, Canada

Stoody, Tina - NHS, Audiology & Speech-Language Sciences: Audiology NOW!  American Academy of Audiology Convention and Expo

Suarez, Jose - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Second Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship - Japan, Japan

Suarez, Jose - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Representation of the Orient and the "Oriental" in the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula - Morocco, Morocco

Talbot, Christine - HSS, Sociology: Spiritual Matters/Matters of the Spirit.  3rd Annual Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Conference

Weng, Lei - PVA, Music: Recital and Masterclass in China, China

Weng, Lei - PVA, Music: Concert and Masterclass in Tianjin, China, Tianjin, China

Fall 2011

Bardos, Achilles - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: Travel to Greece for the 3rd International Conference:  Children and Youth in Changing Societies

Cardona, Betty - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: Level III Certification Training in Couples and Family Counseling

Clark, Alena - NHS, Nutrition & Dietetics: Creating a Culture of Research on Campus

Clinebell, John - MCB, Finance: Financial Management Association Annual Meeting

Da Matta, Gylton - NHS, Sport & Exercise Science: Congress of the International  Association of Physical Education in Higher Education

Desjardins, Molly - HSS, English: PAMLA Annual Conference

Diggs, David - HSS, Geography, GIS & Sustainability: ESRI International User Conference and ESRI Education User Conference

Epperson, Annie - UL, University Libraries: Internet Librarian 2010 Conference

Faganel, Gal - PVA, Music: Guest Artist Recitals, Master Classes, etc.

Falcon, Priscilla - HSS, Hispanic Studies: 2010 International Conference of American Studies Association

Hapcic, Brian - PVA, Theatre Arts & Dance: Prague Quadrennial of Performance Space and Design, Prague, Czech Republic

Harris, Caleb - PVA, Music: Guest Artist Recitals, Master Classes, etc., Kuwait, Slovenia, Croatia

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Educational Technology: Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, CA

Middleton, Val - EBS, Teacher Education: Hawaii International Conference on Education, Oahu, VA

Middleton, Val - EBS, Teacher Education: San Diego, CA, San Diego, CA

Reardon, James - MCB, Marketing: ICERI Conference, Madrid, Spain

Sauble-Otto, Lori - HSS, Modern Languages: 2010 Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association - TRIP CANCELLED, Albuquerque, NM

Schountz, Tony - NHS, Biological Sciences: 6th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses, Vienna, Austria

Ursyn, Anna - PVA, Art & Design: Side Effects Private 3-day Intensive Houdini Teacher Training Session, Santa Monica, CA

Spring 2011

Banerjee, Rashida - EBS, Special Education: The 2011 International SIM Conference

Banerjee, Rashida - EBS, Special Education: The 2011 YAI/International Society for Early Intervention Conference

Brewer, Robin - EBS, Special Education: International Association of Special Education Conference - travel to Namibia

Brothe, Crystal - HSS, English: International Writing Centers Association Summer Institute 2011

Correa-Torres, Silvia - EBS, Special Education: International Association of Special Education Conference - Travel to Namibia

Dzhamay, Anton - NHS, Mathematical Sciences: "The Versatility of Integrebility" Conference on Integrable Systems (celebrating I. Krichever's 60th Birthday) - travel to NYC

French, Joseph - MCB, Finance: Malaysian Finance Association

Gaede, Diane - NHS, Human Services: 6th Annual National Association for Interpretation International Conference, Panama City, Panama

Gould, James - NHS, Human Services: 6th Annual National Association for Interpretation International Conference, Gamboa, Panama

Guido, Florence - EBS, Leadership, Policy, & Development: "Living Culture in the University Developing Citizens of the World: The 2nd Transatlantic Dialogue on Student Affairs" Conference, Neumunster, Luxembourg

Henderson, Angela - HSS, Sociology: Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association

Houser, Jeffrey - HSS, Sociology: Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, NV

Johnson, Brian - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: American Psychological (APA) Annual Convention, Washington D.C., WA

Klaczynski, Paul - EBS, Psychological Sciences: "Obesity, the Family and Education: Psychology  and Culture of Eating and Obesity" and "International Forum on Neuroscience", Beijing, China

Mackessy, Stephen - NHS, Biological Sciences: 17th European Congress of the International Society on Toxicology

Parker, Melissa - NHS, Sport & Exercise Science: Association for Physical Education in Higher Education[AIESEP]

Peterson, Eric - EBS, Psychological Sciences: Association for Psychological Science

Romero, Deborah - HSS, Hispanic Studies: BILINGLATAM IV: Fourth International Symposium on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education

Sinclair, Christina - NHS, Sport & Exercise Science: Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d'Education Physique (Association for Physical Education in Higher Education)

Softas-Nall, Basilia - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: Inter-American Congress of Psychology

Stoody, Tina - NHS, Audiology & Speech-Language Sciences: 13th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children

Sung, Ruwang - NHS, Physics & Astronomy: On Site Training for Organic Photovoltaic Research - Travel to NREL, Golden, CO

Winter 2011

Bovaird-Abbo, Kristin - HSS, English: XXIIIrd Triennial Congress of the International Arthurian Society

Chaves, Joseph - HSS, English: Annual Meeting of American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS)

Franklin, Beth - HSS, Hispanic Studies: American Education Research Association

Franklin, Scott - NHS, Biological Sciences: Travel to Italy to attend the European Vegetation Survey 20th Workshop, Europe

French, Joseph - MCB, Finance: Travel to Savannah, GA

Garza, Efrain - HSS, Hispanic Studies: Travel to Lexington, KY

Granrud, Carl - EBS, Psychological Sciences: Travel to Naples, FL to attend the Annual Meetings of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL

Jurin, Richard - NHS, Biological Sciences: Travel to Australia to attend and present at the 6th World Environmental Education Congress, Brisbane, Australia

Kraver, Jeraldine - HSS, English: Travel to Washington, D.C.  To attend the Teacher Fellows Workshop at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C., WA

Ku, Heng-Yu - EBS, Educational Technology: Travel to Nashville,  TN, Nashville, TN

McNally, Gillian - PVA, Theatre Arts & Dance: Travel to Denmark & Sweden to attend the ASSITEJ World Congress-ITYARN Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark

Miller, April - HSS, English: Travel to Scotland, Scotland

Moon, Andrea - PVA, Theatre Arts & Dance: Attend the International Assoc. of Theatre for Children and Young People in Sweden, Sweden

Sharp, Linda - NHS, Sport & Exercise Science: Attend the College Sports Research Institute Conference in North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Sundeen, Todd - EBS, Special Education: Travel to Maryland to attend the Council for Exceptional Children National Conference, National Harbor, MD

Wright, Stephen - EBS, Applied Psychology & Counselor Education: Travel to Washington, D.C. to attend the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington D.C., WA