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Appeals FAQ

When and where are appeals held?
The hearings are held in the Parking Service Office at the University Center if an in-person meeting is requested on the Appeals Petition form.

Who will be present at the appeal?
You, the appeals officer and any potential witnesses.

The Parking Services office may have a member present to serve in a representative capacity.

Who is the appeals officer?
The current appeals officer is a fair and impartial arbitrator, hired by Parking Services.

They may be a member of the University community or the community at large.

The appeals officer鈥檚 decision is final.

What if I cannot attend the appeal in person?
If you cannot attend the appeal in person or do not wish to appear in-person, your case will be heard on the basis of your written statement alone.

The appeals officer's decision is final.

If you do not appear in person and are dissatisfied with the appeal results, a second appeal on the citation will not be granted.

What happens if I miss a scheduled appeal appointment?
If you know that you will not be able to appear at the time scheduled, you must call and either reschedule the appointment or request that the appeal be heard on your written statement alone.

If you fail to appear without prior notice to the Parking Services office, your petition will be evaluated on the basis of your written statement.

If you do not appear in person and are dissatisfied with the appeal results, a second appeal on the citation will not be granted.

What should be included in the written statement?
The statement should include a clear explanation of the circumstances and any mitigating factors you believe apply to the situation.

It should clearly state all the facts.

The statement may include an explanation of circumstances that were life threatening or situations that were beyond the your control.

How do I prepare for an appeal? What evidence should be presented?
You should review the circumstances surrounding the citation and inform the appeals officer of any additional details that weren't included in the written statement.

You should present the facts to the appeals officer in a clear and concise manner.

You may bring witnesses and/or photographs to the appeal.

Appeals Petition Form