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Michael Cohen

Associate Professor

Leadership, Policy, and Development: Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Contact Information

McKee 402
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Campus Box 103
Greeley, CO 80639


Ed.D., Educational Leadership, Management, and Policy, Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey

M.A., English, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

B.A., English, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey

Professional/Academic Experience

Manager of Assessment Support (district office); Assistant Principal (high school); Supervisor of English Language Arts (district office); English Department Chair (high school); English teacher (high school).


Research/Areas of Interest

Education reform; market-based reforms and privatization; New Public Management; educator professionalism; accountability; critical policy studies


Publications/Creative Works

Anderson, G.L., Cohen, M.I. (2018). The New Democratic Professional in Education: Confronting Markets, Metrics, and Managerialism. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Anderson, G. L., Cohen, M.I. (2015). Redesigning the identities of teachers and leaders: A framework for studying new professionalism and educator resistance. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(85).

Anderson, G. L., Cohen, M.I., Seraus, M. (2015). Urban leadership, neoliberalism, and new policy technologies. M. Khalifa, C.G. Overton, & N. Witherspoon (Eds.), The handbook of urban school leadership. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

Cohen, M.I. (2014). 'In the back of our minds always': Reflexivity as resistance for the performing principal. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice, 17(1), 1-22. DOI: 10.1080/13603124.2013.804208