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Angela Weingartner

Angela Weingartner

Associate Professor of Applied Psychology and Counselor Education

Professional Counseling, Counselor Education and Supervision
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Contact Information

Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
Professional Counseling, Counselor Education and Supervision
Campus Box 131
Greeley, CO 80639


Professional/Academic Experience

2017-Present  Assistant Professor, University of Northern Colorado, Counselor Education and Supervision: Teaching, Research, Service, and Supervision
2013-2017  Instructor, University of Colorado, Counseling Program: Teaching, Supervision
2013-2017  Instructor, Saybrook University, Oakland, CA, Counseling Program: Online teaching
2014-2016  Counselor, University of Wyoming Counseling Center: Counseling Individuals and Groups, Assessment

Research/Areas of Interest

Publications/Creative Works

Warren, J., & Weingartner, A. G. (in press). A creative model: The Three-Selves.  Journal of Creativity in Mental Health.

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